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FastAPI REST boilerplate is a comprehensive starting point for developing robust web applications. It provides a structured foundation equipped with essential features and configurations.


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FastAPI REST API boilerplate


FastAPI REST API boilerplate is a comprehensive starting point for developing robust web applications. It provides a structured foundation equipped with essential features and configurations.

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Table of Contents


Project Structure

seeder           # Configurtion for database seeding
migrations       # Alembic migration files
app              # Rest api files
app.core         # General components like config, security, types, role, etc...
app.db           # Database connection specific
app.crud         # CRUD for types from models
app.models       # Sqlalchemy models
app.schemas      # Pydantic models that used in crud or handlers
app.templates    # Html files for mails
app.endpoints    # Restapi endpoints files
├── backend
|   |
│   ├── alembic
│   ├── core
│   ├── common
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── admin
│   │   | 
│   │   └──
│   ├── crud
│   ├── database
│   ├── lang
|   ├── middleware
│   └── models
│   └── schemas
│   └── seeder
│   └── static
│   └── templates
│   └── utils
├── devops
├── etc
|── .vscode
|── .github

Environmnent variables

To correctly run the project, you will need some environment variables. Expose & import them in core/

  • ENVIRONMENT: Specifies the current runtime environment of the application. Possible values include dev, prod, and preprod
  • POSTGRES_HOST: Hostname or address of the PostgreSQL database server.
  • POSTGRES_PORT: Port on which the PostgreSQL database server is listening (default is 5432).
  • POSTGRES_USER: Username used to authenticate with the PostgreSQL database.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for the PostgreSQL user.
  • REDIS_HOST: Hostname or address of the Redis server.
  • REDIS_POR: Port on which the Redis server is running (default is 6379).
  • REDIS_PASSWOR: Password for the Redis server. If blank, no authentication is required.
  • REDIS_DATABAS: Database index in Redis to use (default is 0).
  • OTLP_GRPC_ENDPOIN: gRPC endpoint for sending OpenTelemetry logs and traces, typically to Tempo or similar systems.
  • TOKEN_SECRET_KE: Secret key used for generating and verifying JWT tokens.
  • OPERA_LOG_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KE: Encryption key used to securely encrypt log data for operations.
  • OAUTH2_GITHUB_CLIENT_I: Client ID for GitHub OAuth2 integration.
  • OAUTH2_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRE: Client secret for GitHub OAuth2 integration.
  • OAUTH2_LINUX_DO_CLIENT_I: Client ID for Linux DO OAuth2 integration.
  • OAUTH2_LINUX_DO_CLIENT_SECRE: Client secret for Linux DO OAuth2 integration.
  • CELERY_BROKER_REDIS_DATABAS: Redis database index for the Celery task broker.
  • CELERY_BACKEND_REDIS_DATABAS: Redis database index for Celery task results backend.
  • RABBITMQ_HOS: Hostname or address of the RabbitMQ message broker.
  • RABBITMQ_POR: Port on which RabbitMQ is running (default is 5672).
  • RABBITMQ_USERNAM: Username for authenticating with RabbitMQ.
  • RABBITMQ_PASSWOR: Password for the RabbitMQ user.
  • MINIO_ENDPOIN: Hostname or address for the MinIO server.
  • MINIO_POR: Port on which MinIO is running (default is 9000).
  • MINIO_ACCESS_KE: Access key for authenticating with the MinIO server.
  • MINIO_SECRET_KE: Secret key for authenticating with the MinIO server.
  • MINIO_BUCKET_NAM: Name of the MinIO bucket used for storing files.
  • MINIO_CLOUD_UR: Cloud URL for accessing MinIO content externally.
  • SMTP_TL: Boolean value indicating whether TLS is enabled for SMTP communication (True for enabled).
  • SMTP_POR: Port on which the SMTP server listens for connections (default is 587 for TLS).
  • SMTP_HOS: Hostname or address of the SMTP email server.
  • SMTP_USE: Username for authenticating with the SMTP server (typically an email address).
  • EMAILS_FROM_EMAI: Email address from which emails will be sent.
  • EMAILS_FROM_NAM: Display name associated with the sender's email address.
  • SMTP_PASSWOR: Password for the SMTP user account.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_I: Client ID for Google OAuth2 integration.
  • GOOGLE_SECRET_KE: Secret key for Google OAuth2 integration.
  • GOOGLE_WEBHOOK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_UR: Redirect URI used during Google OAuth2 authentication flow.
  • GENAI_API_KE: API key for accessing Generative AI services.

Quick run

git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app/devops/docker-compose
docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:2.9.2 --alias loki --grant-all-permissions
docker-compose up -d --build

For check status run

docker-compose logs

Comfortable development

git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app/
cp .env.example .env

Change POSTGRES_HOST=boilerplate_postgres to POSTGRES_HOST=localhost, POSTGRES_PORT=5432 to POSTGRES_PORT=6001 RABBITMQ_HOST=boilerplate_rabbitmq to RABBITMQ_HOST=localhost REDIS_HOST=boilerplate_redis to REDIS_HOST=localhost make sure you have poetry install Run additional container:

docker-compose up -d boilerplate_postgres boilerplateminio boilerplate_redis
poetry install
poe migrate
poe run


on Grafana http://localhost:3000 login with admin:admin

Database utils

Generate migration

poe makemigrations

Run migration

poe migrate

Revert migration

poe dwngrade

Drop all tables in database

poe drop-tables


FastAPI REST boilerplate is a comprehensive starting point for developing robust web applications. It provides a structured foundation equipped with essential features and configurations.








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