Tags: k8spin/derek
Add no-dco label before closing no_newbies PRs In a PR raised on the openfaas/faasd repo, the no-dco label wasn't added, when it should have been. If the PR was re- opened then it may be merged in error, even without the DCO. Signed-off-by: Alex Ellis (OpenFaaS Ltd) <alexellis2@gmail.com>
Revert DCO status checking The status checking behaviour introduced in alexellis#108 appears to break the existing DCO checking, so this PR disables it. Signed-off-by: Alex Ellis (OpenFaaS Ltd) <alexellis2@gmail.com>
Improve error handling and ordering of JWT code The if statements have been changed in order, to check for an error first, then fall back to normal functionality. This is to make the code more Go-idomatic, and easier to read. Signed-off-by: Alex Ellis (OpenFaaS Ltd) <alexellis2@gmail.com>
Fix typo in removing deprecated api endpoint Github deprecated and api endpoint for auth tokens on apps, I previously typed `apps/` and it should have been `app/` This has been tested by running the broken container, verifying that it did not work, then changing the `apps` to `app` and re-deploying - then invoking a change on github that sent webhooks to my installation. After the fix it worked, was given the 5k/hr rate limit and correctly added / removed labels from PRs. Signed-off-by: Alistair Hey <alistair@heyal.co.uk>
Update to call new github API Github are moving an endpoint for access_tokens for github apps. This moves to the new api url. Reference: https://developer.github.com/changes/2020-04-15-replacing-create-installation-access-token-endpoint/ Signed-off-by: Alistair Hey <alistair@heyal.co.uk>
Ignore the review_requested action on PRs Reported by @rberrelleza where multiple comments were sent on a PR. okteto/okteto#733 Signed-off-by: Alex Ellis (OpenFaaS Ltd) <alexellis2@gmail.com>