v5.4.8 - 04.03.2023
- Go 1.20 and updated dependencies
- change: Use loadbalancer or any active server as K3S_URL (#1190)
- change: graceful shutdown drains node before k3d container stops (#1119)
- change: update docs to use quotes around extra args (#1218)
- changed: update podman service documentation around network dns (#1210)
- change: no whitespace in goflags in makefile
- change: fix build with go 1.20 (#1216)
- fix: generate checksum for k3d binaries (#1209)
- fix: improved error handling when update.k3s.io returns a 5XX or invalid response (#1170)
- fix: install script on windows (#1168)
- fix: fix for link in doc (#1219)
New Contributors
- @chivalryq made their first contribution in #1191
- @4p00rv made their first contribution in #1190
- @nikhilsbhat made their first contribution in #1170
- @hdeadman made their first contribution in #1168
- @arikmaor made their first contribution in #1119
- @newbe36524 made their first contribution in #1218
- @s-fairchild made their first contribution in #1210
- @paper42 made their first contribution in #1216
- @TechRabb1t made their first contribution in #1219
Full Changelog: v5.4.7...v5.4.8