First Year - 2nd Semester Project Our assignment was to design and build an application for working with student data: their name and contact details; exam mark data, assessed lab results, lab attendance; KEATS usage.
- The software should be able to connect to a server (using a provided API) and download student summary details;
- There should be a function to browse through the list of student names, and display their summary details;
- There should be a function to search for students by their student number, name, and so on.
- There should be a function to load anonymous marking code tables, to associate students with their exam marks;
- There should be a function to load CSV files from disk, containing students’ exam results;
- There should be a function to plot graphs, comparing students’ performance on one module; to their average performance across other modules;
- There should be a function to email marks to students and their personal tutor;
- There should be a function to scrape course participation data from (a mock-up of) KEATS.
- Can export all data in CSV format
- Print PDF report containing all students exam results
- Save generated graphs as images