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0001 Dynamics 0001 ffff start 0002 fff start 0003 ff start 0004 f start 0005 mf start 0006 mp start 0007 p start 0008 pp start 0009 ppp start 0010 pppp start 0011 fp start 0012 fz start 0013 n start 0014 rf start 0015 rfz start 0016 sf start 0017 sffz start 0018 sfp start 0019 sfpp start 0020 sfz start 0021 sfzp start 0022 Crescendo 0023 Decrescendo 0024 Messa di voce up 0025 Messa di voce down 0026 DeleteHairpins 0027 DeleteDynamics 0028 ffff end 0029 fff end 0030 ff end 0031 f end 0032 mf end 0033 mp end 0034 p end 0035 pp end 0036 ppp end 0037 pppp end 0038 fp end 0039 fz end 0040 n end 0041 rf end 0042 rfz end 0043 sf end 0044 sffz end 0045 sfp end 0046 sfpp end 0047 sfz end 0048 sfzp end 0049 Increase Dynamic 0050 Decrease Dynamic 0051 Align Dynamics Far 0052 Align Dynamics Near 0053 Nudge Dynamics Down 0054 Nudge Dynamics Up 0055 cresc 0056 dim 0057 Expressisve piuf 0058 pp sub 0059 p sub 0060 mp sub 0061 mf sub 0062 f sub 0063 ff sub 0070 Align Dynamics - Furthest Element 0071 Align Dynamics And Nudge Down 0072 Align Dynamics And Nudge Up

0100 Articulations 0100 Accent 0101 Marcato 0102 Staccato 0103 Tenuto 0104 Staccatissimo 0105 Wedge 0106 Tremolo 1 Slash 0107 Tremolo 2 Slashes 0108 Tremolo 3 Slashes 0109 Fermata 0110 Closed 0111 Open 0112 UpBow 0113 DownBow 0114 Trill 0115 Mordent up 0116 Mordent down 0117 Turn 0118 Roll 0119 Fall Short 0120 Fall Long 0121 Straight Rip 0122 Long Rip 0123 Short Scoop 0124 Doit 0125 Split Articulations 0126 Delete Articulations 0127 Laissez Vibrer lv 0128 LV polyphony 0132 Left Bracket 0137 Right Bracket 0138 Combo Tenuto Staccato 0139 Combo Accent Staccato 0140 Combo Accent Tenuto 0141 Combo Marcato Staccato 0142 buzz tremolo Z 0143 Delete Duplicate Articulations 0144 Remove Articulations From Rests 0145 Add Metered Tremolo

0200 Noteheads 0200 X and circled cross 0201 cross and circled cross 0202 Triangle Up 0203 Triangle Down 0204 Diamond 0205 Ghost 0206 Cross Stick 0207 Small Slash 0208 Square 0209 Rim 0210 No Notehead 0211 Default Notehead 0212 X and Diamond 0213 Harmonics 4th diad top notehead to diamond 0214 X Top Space Above 0215 Center Noteheads

0300 Lyrics 0300 Clear Lyrics 0301 Delete Lyrics From File 0302 Move Lyric Baseline Down 0303 Move Lyric Baseline Up

0400 Barlines Repeats and Form 0400 Barline Invisible 0401 Barline Single 0402 Barline Double 0403 Barline Dashed 0404 Barline Thick 0405 Barline Final 0406 Barline Tick 0407 Barline Custom 0408 Barline Invisible Bookend 0409 Barline Single Bookend 0410 Barline Double Bookend 0411 Barline Dashed Bookend 0412 Barline Thick Bookend 0413 Barline Final Bookend 0414 Barline Tick Bookend 0415 Barline Custom Bookend 0416 Add Rehearsal Letters 0417 Add Rehearsal Numbers 0418 Add Rehearsal Measures 0419 Clear Rehearsal Marks

0500 Meter and Rhythm 0500 Meter 2-4 0501 Meter 2-2 0502 Meter 3-2 0503 Meter 3-4 0504 Meter 3-8 0505 Meter 4-4 0506 Meter 5-4 0507 Meter 5-8 0508 Meter 6-8 0509 Meter 7-8 0510 Meter 9-8 0511 Meter 12-8 0512 Meter 6-4 0513 Beam Together 0514 Meter Common 0515 Meter Cut

0600 Smart Shapes 0600 Smart Shape Trill 0601 Smart Shape Trill Extension 0602 Smart Shape Dashed Line 0603 Smart Shape Solid Line 0604 Smart Shape Tab Slide 0605 Smart Shape Glissando 0606 Smart Shape Dashed Bracket 0607 Smart Shape Bracket 0608 Smart Shape Custom 0609 Smart Shape Slur 0610 Smart Shape Dashed Slur 0611 Smart Shape Double Dashed Bracket 0612 Smart Shape Double Solid Bracket 0613 Smart Shape 8va 0614 Smart Shape 15ma 0615 Smart Shape 8vb 0616 Smart Shape 15mb

0700 Staff Styles 0700 Staff Style Slash 0701 Staff Style Rhythm 0702 Staff Style Blank Layer 1 0703 Staff Style Blank w Rests Layer 1 0704 Staff Style Blank Layer 4 0705 Staff Style Blank w Rests Layer 4 0706 Staff Style BlankAll 0707 Staff Style One Bar Repeat 0708 Staff Style Two Bar Repeat 0709 Staff Style Stemless 0710 Staff Style Cutaway 0711 Staff Style Collapse

0800 Expressions 0800 Espr 0801 Expr poco 0802 Expr poco a poco 0803 Expr molto 0804 Technique solo 0805 Technique unis 0806 Technique tutti 0807 Technique loco 0808 Technique Breath 0809 Technique Caesura 0810 Technique Glasses 0811 Technique mute 0812 Technique open 0813 Technique Cup Mute 0814 Technique Straight Mute 0815 1 0816 2 0817 a2 0818 a3 0819 a4 0820 Technique arco 0821 Technique pizz 0822 Technique spicc 0823 Technique col legno 0824 Technique con sord 0825 Technique ord 0826 Technique sul pont 0827 Technique sul tasto 0828 Technique senza sord 0829 Technique trem 0830 Technique half pizz half arco 0831 Technique half trem half ord 0832 Percussion Mallet Bass Drum Hard 0833 Percussion Mallet Bass Drum Medium 0834 Percussion Mallet Bass Drum Soft 0835 Percussion Mallet Brass 0836 Percussion Sticks 0837 Percussion Mallet Timpani Hard 0838 Percussion Mallet Timpani Medium 0839 Percussion Mallet Timpani Soft 0840 Percussion Mallet Timpani Wood 0841 Percussion Mallet Xylophone Hard 0842 Percussion Mallet Xylophone Medium 0843 Percussion Mallet Xylophone Soft 0844 Percussion Mallet Yarn Med 0845 Percussion Mallet Yarn Soft 0846 Technique div 0847 3 0848 4 0849 Technique marc 0850 Technique stacc 0851 Mute Straight Jazz 0852 Move Expression Baseline Down 0853 Move Expression Baseline Up

0900 Tuplets 0900 Tuplet Manual 0901 Tuplet Stem Beam Side 0902 Tuplet Note Side 0903 Tuplet Above 0904 Tuplet Below 0905 Tuplet Flip 0906 Tuplet Flat On 0907 Tuplet Flat Off 0908 Tuplet Avoid Staff On 0909 Tuplet Avoid Staff Off 0910 Tuplet Bracket Always 0911 Tuplet Bracket Unbeamed 0912 Tuplet Bracket Never Beam Side 0913 Tuplet Increase Space 0914 Tuplet Decrease Space 0915 Tuplet Increase Bracket 0916 Tuplet Decrease Bracket 0917 Tuplet Shape None 0918 Tuplet Shape Bracket 0919 Tuplet Shape Slur 0920 Tuplet Number None 0921 Tuplet Number Regular 0922 Tuplet Number Ratio 0923 Tuplet Number Ratio Last 0924 Tuplet Number Ratio Both 0925 Tuplet Combo Hide Number And Shape 0926 Tuplet Combo Number Only In Staff 0927 Tuplet Combo Bracket Stem Side 0928 Tuplet Combo Bracket Flat Below Outside 0929 Tuplet Combo Bracket Flat Maintain 0930 Tuplet Combo Bracket Flat Above Outside 0931 Tuplet Combo Number Beam Outside 0932 Tuplet Combo Number Note Outside 0933 Tuplet Combo Number Beam Inside 0934 Tuplet Combo Number Note Inside 0935 Tuplet Horizontal Drag On 0936 Tuplet Horizontal Drag Off

1000 Staff Groups 1000 None On 1001 None Between 1002 None Through 1003 Plain On 1004 Plain Between 1005 Plain Through 1006 Chorus Straight On 1007 Chorus Straight Between 1008 Chorus Straight Through 1009 Piano Brace On 1010 Piano Brace Between 1011 Piano Brace Through 1012 Reverse Chorus Straight On 1013 Reverse Chorus Straight Between 1014 Reverse Chorus Straight Through 1015 Reverse Piano Brace On 1016 Reverse Piano Brace Between 1017 Reverse Piano Brace Through 1018 Chorus Curved On 1019 Chorus Curved Between 1020 Chorus Curved Through 1021 Reverse Chorus Curved On 1022 Reverse Chorus Curved Between 1023 Reverse Chorus Curved Through 1024 Sub-Bracket 1025 Reverse Sub-Bracket

1100 Key and Tonality 1100 A Flat Major 1101 A Flat Minor 1102 A Major 1103 A Minor 1104 A Sharp Minor 1105 B Flat Major 1106 B Flat Minor 1107 B Major 1108 B Minor 1109 C Flat Major 1110 C Major 1111 C Minor 1112 C Sharp Major 1113 C Sharp Minor 1114 D Flat Major 1115 D Major 1116 D Minor 1117 D Sharp Minor 1118 E Flat Major 1119 E Flat Minor 1120 E Major 1121 E Minor 1122 F Major 1123 F Minor 1124 F Sharp Major 1125 F Sharp Minor 1126 G Flat Major 1127 G Major 1128 G Minor 1129 G Sharp Minor 1130 Hide Key Show Accidentals 1131 Keyless

1200 Page and Layout 1200 Insert Page Break Insert 1201 Page Break Remove 1202 Expand Measure Width 1203 Reduce Measure Width 1204 Vertical Staff Space Increase 1205 Vertical Staff Space Decrease 1206 Move System Down 1207 Move System Up

1300 Layers 1300 Layer1 75 percent 1301 Layer2 75 percent 1302 Layer3 75 percent 1303 Layer4 75 percent 1304 Melody Top Note Layer1 1305 Melody Top Note Layer2 1306 Melody Top Note Layer3 1307 Melody Top Note Layer4 1308 Melody Bottom Note Layer1 1309 Melody Bottom Note Layer2 1310 Melody Bottom Note Layer3 1311 Melody Bottom Note Layer4 1312 All Layers 100 percent 1313 All Layers 75 percent 1314 Swap Layers 12 1315 Swap Layers 13 1316 Swap Layers 14 1317 Swap Layers 23 1318 Swap Layers 24 1319 Swap Layers 34 1320 Swap Layers 1324 1321 Swap Layers 1234 1322 Clear Layer 1 1323 Clear Layer 2 1324 Clear Layer 3 1325 Clear Layer 4 1326 Clear Layer 12 1327 Clear Layer 13 1328 Clear Layer 14 1329 Clear Layer 123 1330 Clear Layer 134 1331 Clear Layer 23 1332 Clear Layer 24 1333 Clear Layer 234 1334 Clear Layer 34

1400 Polyphony 1400 Double 8va 1401 Double 8vb 1402 Double Diatonic 3rd higher 1403 Double Diatonic 3rd lower 1404 Rotate Chord Up 1405 Rotate Chord Down 1406 Chord Line Delete Top Note 1407 Chord Line Delete Bottom Note 1408 Chord Line Keep Top Note 1409 Chord Line Keep Bottom Note

1500 Transformations 1500 String Harmonics touch 3rd 1501 String Harmonics touch 4th 1502 String Harmonics touch 5th 1503 Articulation Breath Mark to Expression 1504 Articulation Caesura to Expression 1505 Single Pitch F4 1506 Single Pitch F5 1507 Single Pitch C5 1508 Single Pitch G5 1509 Single Pitch A5 1510 Semitone Up 1511 Semitone Down 1512 Flip Enharmonics 1513 Cluster Indeterminate 1514 Cluster Determinate 1515 Toggle Ledger Lines 1516 Triangle Highest and Lowest Note 1517 Create Drum Kicks in Layer 4 1518 Top Line Notation

1600 Chord Symbols 1600 Chord Symbol Altered Bass After 1601 Chord Symbol Altered Bass Under 1602 Chord Symbol Altered Bass Subtext 1603 Move Chord Baseline Down 1604 Move Chord Baseline Up

1700 Reset 1700 Reset Rests 1701 Reset Baseline Lyrics 1702 Reset All Barlines To Default 1703 Reset Chord Symbol Position 1704 Reset Baseline Expressions Below 1705 Reset Baseline Expressions Above 1706 Reset Baseline Expressions All 1707 Reset Baseline Chord 1708 Reset Baseline Fretboard 1709 Reset Baseline Chord Fretboard

1800 Playback and Navigation 1808 Mute Cue Notes 1809 Mute Notes 1810 Unmute Notes 1811 Navigate to Selected Measure in Part

1900 Clefs 1900 Treble Clef 1901 Alto Clef 1902 Tenor Clef 1903 Bass Clef

9000 Plug-ins 9000 Center Rehearsal Marks 9001 Custom Expressive Text 9002 Custom Technique Text 9003 Custom Tempo Text 9004 Custom Dynamics 9005 Tacet 9006 Make X Bars 9007 Make X More

9999 Update 9994 Check For Update AutoHotKey 9995 Check For Update Keyboard Maestro 9996 Check For Update Windows 9997 Check For Update Windows XL 9998 Check For Update Mac 9999 Check For Update Mac XL


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  • AppleScript 59.1%
  • Lua 39.5%
  • AutoIt 1.3%
  • Python 0.1%