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Warlock is a simple python based social media discovery tool, it leverages how social media platforms will handle existing and non existing social media status codes. (existing = 200 non exsiting = 404). Warlock uses threading to scan multiple websites at the same time. This tool is inspired by sherlock https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock
Warlock will also attempt to pull extra data from certain websites this can be useful when identifying if a site is actually your targets. My other osint tool "Mage" uses the same sort of code to pull even more information.
- Install the repository with
git clone https://github.com/jwe0/warlock
- Change directory into the folder with
cd warlock
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the requirements needed - When installed run
python main.py [target-username] [site-list]
- Reap your rewards
- Push latest update
- Push new database
Credits to the sherlock team for the status code websites.
I take no legal responsibility for any negative actions committed with my software. This was made for ethical purposes only <3.