The API that allows users to login, perform user related tasks, view a list of books and place book orders.
1.) Clone the repository by the following command.
$ git clone
2.) Import the Maven project using your favorite IDE such as Eclipse, Netbean or Intellij
3.) Run the project.
- The database (H2) is created in memory through Spring Boot auto configuration. There is no additional setup.
- The tables are created on the entities defined. There is no additional setup as well.
- Since H2 is the in-memory database. Data is not persisted between restart. (Restrictions of using in-memory database)
4.) Test REST APIs using your favorite REST client such as Postman by entering the service endpoint e.g. http://localhost:8080/books
You can find the API Document here or http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs
GET /books
Gets a list of books from an external book publisher’s web services and returns the list sorted alphabetically with the recommended books always appears first.
POST /user
Create a user account and store user’s information in Users table (DB).
POST /login
User login authentication API.
GET /users
Gets information about the logged in user. A successfully authenticated request returns information related to the user and the books ordered
POST /users/orders
Order books and store order information in Orders table (BOOK_ORDER). This returns the total price for a successful order
DELETE /users
Delete logged in user’s record and order history.