Auto Mart is an online marketplace for automobiles of diverse makes, models or body type. with Auto Mart, users can sell their cars or buy from trusted dealerships or private sellers
- Front-end : HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Back-end: Express js
- System Depencies: Node
- Testing: Mocha and Chai
- Clean and Interactive User Interface
- User can login and sign up
- User can post a car sale advertisement
- user can make a purchase order
- User can update the price of purchase order made
- user can mark posted ads sold
- User can update the price posted ads
- User can view a specific car
- User can view all unsold cars
- User can view all unsold cars within a price range -Admin can delete a posted AD record -Admin can view all posted ads wheather sold or unsold
- Clone this repo to local device
ur cloned repo url
- Navigate to the Auto Mart folder
cd Auto Mart
- Run command in terminal
npm install
to install all the neccessary dependencies- Create a .env file in the project folder, an set all the environmental variables used in the project
- Done setting up, run command
npm run startdev
to run the app in development environment
- To ensure app is perfectly set up, run command
npm test
to run test
This project is open for contributions. All contributions must adhere to the Airbnb JavaScript styleguide.
- Raise an issue ( project name/issues)
- Fork repository
- Create a feature branch
git checkout -b ch-my-feature
- Commit changes
git commit -m "message"
- Push created branch
git push origin ch-my-feature
- Submit a Pull Request to develop branch
Access to the API endpoints are stricted based on authorization using access tokens, which is generated when a user signs in.View API documentation for all endpoints used in this app here
- This api is deployed on here (
The Andela team