An NPM package for all things related to strings
- String Detection
- String Generation
- String Manipulation
Compatible with Javascript
& Typescript(.ts)
- isString
- join
- reverse
- scramble
Note: Node.js 14.0.0 or newer is required.
npm i stringulation@latest
const {
} = require("stringulation");
import {
} from "stringulation";
Function that has 2 parameters. The first parameter is the value to be capitalized. The second parameter is an optional boolean that indicates whether each word should be capitalized or just the first. This is false by default.
const { capitalize } = require("stringulation");
console.log(capitalize("this will be capitalized")); // "This will be capitalized"
console.log(capitalize("this will be capitalized", true)); // "This Will Be Capitalized"
Function that has 4 parameters. The first parameter is the string to have new lines inserted into. The second parameter is how many characters should be inbetween each line break. The third parameter is what to do when a line break goes through a word. Can be one of the following:
- "hyphenate": Break words using hyphens
- "none": Don't do anything about breaking words
- "moveToBegin": Move the line break to the beginning of the word, which puts the word at the beginning of the new line. This will make the line shorter than the number given in the "insertEvery" parameter
- "moveToEnd": Move the line break to the end of the word, which puts the word at the end of the new line. This will make the line longer than the number given in the "insertEvery" parameter
It defaults to "none". The fourth parameter is only used whenever the third parameter is set the "hyphenate". It is the character that should be used instead of a hyphen. It defaults to "-"
const { insertNewLines } = require("stringulation");
const longString =
"The insertNewLines function is used to insert line breaks in a long string to improve readability and understanding. It can be used to format long strings and make them easier to work with.";
console.log(insertNewLines(longstring, 50, "hyphenate"));
The insertNewLines function is used to insert line
breaks in a long string to improve readability an-
d understanding. It can be used to format long str-
ings and make them easier to work with.
console.log(insertNewLines(longstring, 50, "hyphenate", "!!!"));
The insertNewLines function is used to insert line
breaks in a long string to improve readability an!!!
d understanding. It can be used to format long str!!!
ings and make them easier to work with.
console.log(insertNewLines(longString, 50, "moveToBegin"));
The insertNewLines function is used to insert
line breaks in a long string to improve
readability and understanding. It can be used to
format long strings and make them easier to work
console.log(insertNewLines(longString, 50, "moveToEnd"));
The insertNewLines function is used to insert line
breaks in a long string to improve readability and
understanding. It can be used to format long strings
and make them easier to work with.
console.log(insertNewLines(longString, 50, "none"));
The insertNewLines function is used to insert line
breaks in a long string to improve readability an
d understanding. It can be used to format long str
ings and make them easier to work with.
Function that has 1 parameter. The first parameter is the value to be checked. This returns true if the value is all uppercase.
const { isAllCapital } = require("stringulation");
const uppercase = "THIS IS ALL CAPITAL";
const mixed = "this IS half/HALF";
const lowercase = "this is all lowercase";
if (isAllCapital(uppercase)) {
console.log(uppercase + " is all capital!");
} // "THIS IS ALL CAPITAL is all capital!"
if (!isAllCapital(lowercase)) {
console.log(lowercase + " is not all capital!");
} // "this is all lowercase is not all capital!"
if (!isAllCapital(mixed)) {
console.log(mixed + " is not all capital!");
} // "this IS half/HALF is not all capital!"
Function that has 1 parameter. The first parameter is the value to be checked. This returns true if the value is all lowercase.
const { isAllLowerCase } = require("stringulation");
const uppercase = "THIS IS ALL CAPITAL";
const mixed = "this IS half/HALF";
const lowercase = "this is all lowercase";
if (isAllCapital(lowercase)) {
console.log(lowercase + " is all lowercase!");
} // "this is all lowercase is all lowercase!"
if (!isAllCapital(uppercase)) {
console.log(uppercase + " is not all lowercase!");
} // "THIS IS ALL CAPITAL is not all lowercase!"
if (!isAllCapital(mixed)) {
console.log(mixed + " is not all lowercase!");
} // "this IS half/HALF is not all lowercase!"
Function that has 2 parameters. The first parameter is the value to be checked. The second parameter is an optional boolean indicating whether each word should be checked or just the first word.
const { isCapitalized } = require("stringulation");
const capitalized = "This is capitalized";
const capitalizedAll = "This Is Capitalized";
const improper = "this is not capitalized";
const improper2 = "this Is not Capitalized";
if (isCapitalized(capitalized)) {
console.log(capitalized + " is capitalized!");
} // This is capitalized is capitalized!
if (isCapitalized(capitalizedALL)) {
console.log(capitalized + " is capitalized!");
} // This Is Capitalized is capitalized!
if (!isCapitalized(improper)) {
console.log(improper + " is not capitalized!");
} // this is not capitalized is not capitalized!
if (!isCapitalized(improper2, true)) {
console.log(improper2 + " is not capitalized!");
} // this Is not Capitalized is not capitalized!
Function that has 2 parameters. The first parameter is the value to be checked if it's a string or not. The second parameter is an optional boolean that specfies whether it should also return true if the first parameter is a string array. This is true by default.
const { isString } = require("stringulation");
const string = "this is a string!";
const stringArray = ["this", "is", "a", "string"];
const number = 123;
const numberArray = [1, 2, 3];
if (isString(string)) {
console.log(string + " is a string!");
} // "this is a string is a string!"
if (isString(stringArray)) {
console.log(stringArray + " is a string array!");
} // "["this", "is", "a", "string"] is a string array!"
if (!isString(stringArray, false)) {
console.log(stringArray + " is not a string!");
} // "["this", "is", "a", "string"] is not a string!"
if (!isString(number)) {
console.log(number + " is not a string!");
} // "123 is not a string!"
if (!isString(numberArray)) {
console.log(numberArray + " is not a string array!");
} // "[1, 2, 3] is not a string array!"
Function that has 2 parameters. The first parameter is an array of strings. The second parameter is an optional string. It will be used to seperate each string.
const { join } = require("stringulation");
console.log(join(["this", "is", "an", "array", "of", "strings"])); // "thisisanarrayofstrings"
console.log(join(["this", "is", "also", "an", "array", "of", "strings"], " ")); // "this is also an array of strings"
Function that has one parameter. It is a number indicating the length of the random string.
const { randomString } = require("stringulation");
console.log(randomString(10)); // "!7y[evr-<l"
Function that has one parameter. It is the string that will be reversed.
const { reverse } = require("stringulation");
console.log(reverse("this will be reversed")); // "desrever eb lliw siht"
Function that has one parameter. It is the string that will be scrambled.
const { scramble } = require("stringulation");
console.log(scramble("scrambled")); // "sclbmared"
Function that has two parameters. The first parameter is the string to be converted to ASCII. The second parameter is an optional object containing 3 options. The first option is the separator. This is a string that will be used to separate each ASCII value. This is a space by default. The second option is a boolean specified if the ASCII values should be returned as a string or a number. This is false by default. The third option is a boolean specified if the ASCII values should be returned as one string or one array. If the second option is true then this can't be false. This is false by default.
const { toASCII } = require("stringulation");
console.log(toASCII("text", { asNumber: true })); // [116, 101, 120, 116]
console.log(toASCII("text", { seperator: "_" })); // "116_101_120_116"
console.log(toASCII("text", { array: true })); // ["116", "101", "120", "116"]