Given distinct "subject" (S) and a "target" (T) distributions, this script attempts to mimic T's density (i.e., its shape) by randomly sampling from bins in S's population.
Usage: <OPTIONS> <arg1> <arg2> <arg3>
- arg1: Path to file containing T's values (1 column, 1 value per line).
- arg2: Number of bins to split the distributions into.
- arg3: Path to tab-separated file containing S's identifiers and values (column 1: unique identifier; column 2: corresponding value).
transform (string) = bin transform-transformed values in both distributions. Output values will be the original, non-transformed ones, though.
Possible values: 'log10' only.
Note: binning into log10-transformed is highly recommended e.g. for matching FPKM/RPKM distributions.
verbose = make STDERR more verbose
The script will output a pseudo-random subset of the subject file (i.e., arg3), such that its distribution matches T's density as closely as possible.
Given distinct "subject" (S) and a "target" (T) distributions, this script attempts to mimic T's density (i.e., its shape) by pseudo-randomly sampling from S's population.
Warning: The script attempts to match T's density only, not its population size.
Items from S's population are randomly selected within bins, not within the entire population, hence the "pseudo" prefix
Number of bins to choose
Usually the more, the better.
Binning into log10-transformed is highly recommended e.g. for matching FPKM/RPKM distributions (see transform option).
It might be necessary to call the script several times sequentially (i.e. input -> output1; output1 -> output2; output2 -> output3, etc., where "->" denotes a matchDistribution call) until reaching an optimum. This is what the accompanying script does (see below).
Use and matchDistributionKStest.r. Both scripts need to be in your $PATH.
Usage: <passes> <doKolmogorov-Smirnov> <target> <subject> <bins> <breakIfKSTest>
- passes (int): Maximum number of passes to perform
- doKolmogorov-Smirnov (0|1 boolean): Toggle do KS test on resulting distributions after each pass, and print p-value. This will call matchDistributionKStest.r (courtesy of Andres Lanzos, CRG).
- target (string): Path to file containing T's values.
- subject (string): Path to tab-separated file containing S's identifiers and values.
- bins (int): Number of bins to split the distributions into.
- breakIfKSTest (0|1 boolean): break loop if KS test gives p>0.05 (i.e., before reaching the maximum number of passes).
CPAN: List::Util 'shuffle'
Julien Lagarde, CRG, Barcelona, contact [email protected]