Quick project I tossed together last night to analyze my deskcycle out of curiosity. The plug for the spedometer timer etc looked just like a 3.5 audio jack. I plugged it into an extender cable and into my sound card. At first I messed around with using my cycle output to an audio file (wav) format. I noticed in the playback a disctinct click when the cycle would turn over one time. I analyzed the frequency in Audacity to see the clear disctinction between the cycle rotations.
Using python I generate a numpy graph of the audio output to a png file that is rendered in an html file that has a js function that constantly updates the page. I studied the output signals frequency and determined a decent value to denote when a rotation has occured 32000 or -32000. I noticed I could record the frequency instance 2 times within my time span, so I divide the actual value by 2 and print even modulous to get an accurate number of cycles.
python3 matlab_visualizer.py
- Get the distance 1 rotation is equivalent to to calculate distance traveled in a session
- Get the frequency of rotations over time to determine speed once distance is known.
- Timer and # rotations on HTML
- Session recording to CSV
- Graphing of sessions overtime
- Justin Chase - JustinChase
- Idea
- Implementation
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Thanks to anyone who's examples were used
- Inspiration
- water