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Enables batch download of a Tumblr blog using the official API.
For more information use the source, Luke!.
In order for the script to work you need to register an app on the Tumblr API (it only takes seconds) and then replace the value in the script.
define('API_KEY', 'REPLACE_ME');
Run the following command in a terminal:
php tumblrdl.php -b blog_name
Replace blog_name by the desired blog name (e.g. brainmess).
Several options are available, for detailed help and usage examples run the following command:
php tumblrdl.php -h (or --help)
Usage: php tumblrdl.php -b <blog_name>
-b <blog_name> (or --blog <blogname>)
*required* the blog name (e.g 'brainmess')
-o=<offset> (or --offset=<offset>)
*optional* the number of posts to skip before starting download (e.g. 100)
-l=<limit> (or --limit=<limit>)
*optional* the number of post parsed in each run - by default 20 (e.g. 50)
-d=<path> (or --directory=<path>)
*optional* the path to the download directory - by default script directory (e.g. /Users/username/Desktop)
-u (or --unlimited)
*optional* a flag to tell the script to download every photo available (might take a while ^^)
-c (or --continue)
*optional* a flag to tell the script to continue even if it encounters existing files
-h (or --help)
*help* print this help
Call examples:
php tumblrdl.php -b brainmess -u
(download every photo available)
php tumblrdl.php -b brainmess -l=50
(download the last 50 photos)
php tumblrdl.php --blog brainmess --offset=100 --limit=50 --directory=/Users/username/Desktop
(download 50 photos on the desktop by skipping the last 100 posts)
- short and long options can be used interchangeably
- do not specify an option more than once (unexpected behavior might occur)
- the 'offset' and 'limit' refers to the post count, not the photo count! as there may be more than one photo in a post.
- download directory path must be absolute (/Users/username/Desktop instead of ~/Desktop)
- once the script encounters an already downloaded photo (test for an existing file) it will stop (except when -c or --continue option is used)
- if the original photo is not available, the script try an download the next available bigger size
- photos are downloaded following this architecture path_to_download_directory/blog_name/yyyy/mm/yyyymmdd_basename.extension
See the Wiki FAQ page.
Create a TODO list;- Whitelist / blacklist of accepted file extensions (e.g. forbiding
You know the drill:
- Fork
- Modify
- Pull request