A Clojure library to generate short unique ids from integers, for brevity and obfuscation of database IDs.
This is port of the hashids library, and aims to be functionally identical to other implementations, while remaing pure clojure, without a dependency on any other library.
NOTE Hashids is not a cryptographic hash, as it is reversible, and is not suitable for security purposes. Don't try to encode secrets with hashids.
In your Leiningen project.clj
's :dependencies
[jstrutz/hashids "1.0.1"]
You can pass a unique salt value so your hashes differ from everyone else's. I use this is my salt as an example.
(require '[hashids.core :as h])
(def hashids-opts {:salt "this is my salt"}) ;; These options are used for most examples below
;; Encode a single number
(h/encode hashids-opts 12345) ;; => "NkK9"
;; Encode a set of numbers
(h/encode hashids-opts 683, 94108, 123, 5) ;; => "aBMswoO2UB3Sj"
;; or a collection
(h/encode hashids-opts [683, 94108, 123, 5]) ;; => "aBMswoO2UB3Sj"
;; A minimum length can be set for the encoded string
(h/encode {:salt "this is my salt" :min-length 4} 12345) ;; => "NkK9"
(h/encode {:salt "this is my salt" :min-length 5} 12345) ;; => "0NkK9"
(h/encode {:salt "this is my salt" :min-length 6} 12345) ;; => "0NkK9A"
(h/encode {:salt "this is my salt" :min-length 7} 12345) ;; => "10NkK9A"
;; Use a custom alphabet
(h/encode {:alphabet "0123456789uvwxyz"} 12345) ;; => "v95w8x"
;; Encode into hexadecimal
(h/encode-hex hashids-opts "deadbeef") ;; => "kRNrpKlJ"
Notice during decoding, same salt value is used:
(h/decode hashids-opts "NkK9") ;; => (12345)
(h/decode hashids-opts "aBMswoO2UB3Sj") ;; => (683, 94108, 123, 5)
;; Decoding with a wrong salt will return an empty collection
(h/decode {:salt "wrong salt"} "aBMswoO2UB3Sj") ;; => ()
;; Decoding a string which is more than the given alphabet will return
;; an empty collection also
(h/decode {:alphabet "0123456789uvwxyz"} "PPPP") ;; => ()
;; Decode from hexadecimal
(h/decode-hex hashids-opts "kRNrpKlJ") ;; => ("deadbeef")
The primary purpose of hashids is to obfuscate ids. It's not meant or tested to be used for security purposes or compression. Having said that, this algorithm does try to make these hashes unguessable and unpredictable:
You don't see any repeating patterns for identical numbers:
(h/encode hashids-opts 5 5 5 5) ;; => "1Wc8cwcE"
Same with incremented numbers:
(h/encode hashids-opts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) ;; => "kRHnurhptKcjIDTWC3sx"
(h/encode hashids-opts 1) ;; => "NV"
(h/encode hashids-opts 2) ;; => "6m"
(h/encode hashids-opts 3) ;; => "yD"
(h/encode hashids-opts 4) ;; => "2l"
(h/encode hashids-opts 5) ;; => "rD"
This code was written with the intent of placing created ids in visible places - like the URL. Which makes it unfortunate if generated hashes accidentally formed a bad word.
Therefore, the algorithm tries to avoid generating most common English curse words. This is done by never placing the following letters next to each other:
c, C, s, S, f, F, h, H, u, U, i, I, t, T
Hashids provides the following functions:
(encode opts & numbers)
is a map with the following keys, each optional:
- a string to customize the encoding and decoding- Must be a string, if specified
- Must be comprised of characters from the
option - Default:
- the minimum length of the returned string.- Must be an integer >= 0, if supplied
- Default:
- a string containing the acceptable characters to return.- Must be a string of at least 16 unique characters, if specified
- Default:
is one or more non-negative integers, or a collection (vector, list, etc.) of non-negative integers
Returns a string representing the encoded numbers.
(encode-hex opts & strings)
is the same map as described inencode
is one or more hexadecimal numbers represented as strings, or a collection (vector, list, etc.) of hexadecimal numbers, again represented as strings
Returns a string representing the encoded numbers.
(decode opts hashstr)
is the same map as described as forencode
, although the:min-length
option will have no effect when decoding
is a single hashid string
Returns a list of one or more decoded numbers, in the order in which they were encoded. If the given string was unable to be decoded, an empty list ()
is returned.
(decode-hex opts hashstr)
is the same map as described as forencode
, although the:min-length
option will have no effect when decoding
is a single hashid string
Returns a list of one or more decoded numbers, in the order in which they were encoded, represented as hexadecimal strings. If the given string was unable to be decoded, an empty list ()
is returned.
Copyright © 2015 Jason Strutz
Distributed under the MIT License