Komodo has a built in jshint which can be configured. I have multiple machines so I decided to put this config here so I can keep track of it.
Check out the config-file and use the raw feature or highlight and cut from below:
bitwise=true boss=true browser=true debug=true devel=true eqeqeq=true eqnull=true es5=true esnext=true expr=true immed=true iterator=true lastsemic=true laxbreak=true laxcomma=true loopfunc=true maxlen=120 multistr=true newcap=true noarg=true onecase=true onevar=true plusplus=true proto=true regexdash=true regexp=true scripturl=true shadow=true smarttabs=true strict=true sub=true supernew=true undef=true validthis=true withstmt=true predef=["window","document"]