Manipulate arrays while avoiding general disarray.
No future updates are planned. Feel free to continue using it, but expect no support.
This is a package for the command-line JSON processor jq
. Install the package in your jq project/package directory with jqnpm
jqnpm install joelpurra/jq-disarray
import "joelpurra/jq-disarray" as Disarray;
# Disarray::haveSameLength(other)
null | Disarray::haveSameLength([]) # false
[] | Disarray::haveSameLength([]) # true
[ "a" ] | Disarray::haveSameLength([ "b" ]) # true
[ "a" ] | Disarray::haveSameLength([]) # false
# Disarray::ifSameLength(other)
[ "a" ] | Disarray::ifSameLength([ "b" ]; map(. + "!")) # [ "a!" ]
[ "a" ] | [ "b" ] as $right | Disarray::ifSameLength($right; Disarray::addition($right)) # [ "ab" ]
# Disarray::defaults(obj)
null | Disarray::defaults(1; "a") # [ "a" ]
null | Disarray::defaults(2; { "a": true }) # [ { "a": true }, { "a": true } ]
# Disarray::zeros
null | Disarray::zeros(3) # [ 0, 0, 0 ]
# Disarray::addition(other)
[ "a" ] | Disarray::addition([ "b" ]) # [ "ab" ]
[ 2, 3, 4 ] | Disarray::addition([ 3, 4, 5 ]) # [ 5, 7, 9 ]
[ "a" ] | Disarray::addition([ "b", "c" ]) # [ "ab", "c" ]
Copyright (c) 2015 Joel Purra All rights reserved.
When using jq-disarray, comply to the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.