This project is a minimal demonstration of turning a Vite project with React + TypeScript acting as a single page application into a CH5 project.
Run npm i
to install all dependencies.
Run the build
script to build the project.
Run the archive
script to package the contents of the /dist/ directory into a .ch5z that can be loaded onto a control system or panel.
Run the deploy:xpanel
script to upload the .ch5z to the control system as a WebXPanel. Adjust the IP address to match your control system.
Run the deploy:panel
script to upload the .ch5z to a touch panel as local project. Adjust the IP address to match your panel.
- You must have Node.js 20.04.0 or higher and NPM 9.7.2 or higher. For more information see System Requirements
- The control system must have SSL and authentication enabled. For more information see Control System Configuration
- At the time of writing CH5 projects are only supported on 3 and 4-series processors (including VC-4), TST-1080, X60, and X70 panels, and the Crestron One app. For more information see System Requirements
Historically authenticating a CH5 session is handled by a redirect initiated by the WebXPanel library to the processor/server authentication service. However since CH5 2.8.0 an authentication token can be created on the processor/server instead of requiring manual user input for authentication. For processors (4-series only) this is handled via the websockettoken generate
command. On VirtualControl servers the token is generated in the web interface
The entry point is where the Crestron libraries (UMD) will be loaded into the application. In this demo index.html is treated as the entry point for the Crestron libraries.
A contract is a document that defines how the elements in a UI will interact with a control system program. The Contract Editor outputs programming files for SIMPL Windows and C#, as well as an interface (.cse2j) file for a UI project to reference to interact with said programming files. This allows a UI and program to use descriptive names in a program; so rather than "digital join 1" a UI can reference "HomePage.Lighting.AllOff", which is much easier to read and understand at a glance.
A contract interface (.cse2j) file can be used at both build and run time. At build time the contract file is referenced by the CH5 archive
script (see package.json), while at run time it must be placed in /config/contract.cse2j
(named exactly) at the root level of the served files.
The Crestron HTML5 library (CH5, CrComLib) includes purpose built HTML5 tags (web components) that can be included in HTML markup. These web components include things like ch5-button
and ch5-dpad
. In an HTML5 project that uses a standard framework such as React these components are not generally necessary and aren't as flexible as JSX. However, there are some components that cannot be reproduced in React such as the ch5-video
for displaying RTSP streams on Crestron touchpanels and the Crestron One app. For that reason this project does support the use of CH5 components. The globals.d.ts file contains bindings to map the CH5 web components to the JSX interface so they can be used without error and maintain type safety.
Progressive web apps are HTML5 apps that can be "installed" on devices from browsers onto PC/Mac/iOS/Android devices. Browsers require strict security to perform this - so the server must serve the project via HTTPS and the server certificate must be signed by a CA that is trusted by the client device. See the wiki for this demo which details how to create a certificate chain. PWA's are defined via a manifest JSON file which describes the PWA, and a service worker js file that is responsible for caching files for later retrieval in the event that the device loses network connectivity to the server so the user will still see the project.
This demo uses the vite-plugin-pwa package to generate a manifest and service worker with the parameters defined in the vite.config.ts file, which goes into more detail about each parameter and requirements. For more information on PWA's in general, refer to MDN.
const webXPanelConfig = useMemo(() => ({
ipId: '0x03',
host: '',
roomId: '',
authToken: ''
}), []);
useEffect(() => {
const d1Id = window.CrComLib.subscribeState('b', '1', (value: boolean) => setDigitalState(value));
const a1Id = window.CrComLib.subscribeState('n', '1', (value: number) => setAnalogState(value));
const s1Id = window.CrComLib.subscribeState('s', '1', (value: string) => setSerialState(value));
// Contracts
const dc1Id = window.CrComLib.subscribeState('b', 'HomePage.DigitalState', (value: boolean) => setDigitalContractState(value));
const ac1Id = window.CrComLib.subscribeState('n', 'HomePage.AnalogState', (value: number) => setAnalogContractState(value));
const sc1Id = window.CrComLib.subscribeState('s', 'HomePage.StringState', (value: string) => setSerial
return () => {
// Unsubscribe from digital, analog, and serial joins 1 when component unmounts
window.CrComLib.unsubscribeState('b', '1', d1Id);
window.CrComLib.unsubscribeState('n', '1', a1Id);
window.CrComLib.unsubscribeState('s', '1', s1Id);
// Contracts
window.CrComLib.unsubscribeState('b', 'HomePage.DigitalState', dc1Id);
window.CrComLib.unsubscribeState('n', 'HomePage.AnalogState', ac1Id);
window.CrComLib.unsubscribeState('s', 'HomePage.StringState', sc1Id);
}, []);
const sendDigital = (value: boolean) => window.CrComLib.publishEvent('b', '1', value);
const sendAnalog = (value: number) => window.CrComLib.publishEvent('n', '1', value);
const sendSerial = (value: string) => window.CrComLib.publishEvent('s', '1', value);
// Contracts
const sendDigitalContract = (value: boolean) => window.CrComLib.publishEvent('b', 'HomePage.DigitalEvent', value);
const sendAnalogContract = (value: number) => window.CrComLib.publishEvent('n', 'HomePage.AnalogEvent', value);
const sendSerialContract = (value: string) => window.CrComLib.publishEvent('s', 'HomePage.StringEvent', value);
// Import a CH5 theme (coming from the @crestron/ch5-theme package) for CH5 CSS (required when a CH5 component is in use)
// If not using a CH5 component in the project then do not import the CSS as that adds ~2mb to the bundle size.
import '@crestron/ch5-theme/output/themes/light-theme.css'
function App() {
return (
<p>I'm regular JSX!</p>
<ch5-button type="info" label="I'm a CH5 button!"></ch5-button>