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  1. Introduction
  2. Installing
  3. Compiling
  4. Input Files
  5. Running
  6. References
  7. Supercomputing Commands

1. Introduction

The Self-consistent Quasi-1D (SQu1D) code is an object-oriented code written in the C++ language and is intended to be run in parallel on multiple processors. The code is used for simulating magnetic field guided plasmas using a quasi-one-dimensional fully kinetic approach. The code is a variant of Particle-In-Cell (PIC) technique.

2. Installing

SQu1D requires Message Passing Interface (MPI) and linear algebra libraries. It is preferrable to use the Intel Performance Libraries Math Kernel Libray and MPI Library, which are free for academic research. These libraries give SQu1D the best perforamnce. Download and install the MPI and MKL libraries.

Alternatively, MPICH2 and LAPACK libraries can be used. To install MPICH2 on a Debian Linux system, such as Ubuntu, run

sudo apt-get install libcr-dev mpich2 mpich2-doc

To install LAPACK, download the latest tar ball and unpack it. Copy to Run the following commands

make blaslib
cd lapacke

Additionally, python3, NumPy, gnuplot, and gifview are needed for running supporting scripts. Tecplot can also be used for visualizing the results.

3. Compiling

3.1. Clone this project to a local folder.

git clone

3.2. Modify solverdefs.h to the desired compiler/code settings

There are two types of compiler settings in the file solverdefs.h that must be set before compiling. First the type of compiler/libraries which will be used must be selected. If Intel/MKL are used set the COMPILER variable to 1, for g++/LAPACK set the COMPILER variable to 0. There are also two sections below the compiler setting which must be commented or uncommented to correspond with this choice. Finally the type of simulation is chosen. Typically the Full simulation model will be used (0), but a number of other options exist which are used for verification and testing simulations. (Note: There are also parameters in constants.h which must be changed for some of the verification simulations.)

3.3. Make sure environment variables are correctly set. Use "export" command. (NOTE: Usually export does not work)

Before compiling and running the code make sure that the environment variables are set correctly to link to the libraries used. In particular, make sure to set LD LIBRARY PATH. Below is an example of a command used to set this variable when compiling with MKL:

export LD LIBRARY PATH=/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64:$(LD LIBRARY PATH)

Note that this path depends on the machine being used as well as the type of compiler and/or libraries used. You can check if the path is implemented correctly by using the following command:


3.4. Change the relevant makefile as needed to link to the correct libraries

Three makefiles are included in makefiles\ to serve as examples for compiling the code. The default makefile (makefile_default) is an example of a makefile used to compile with Intel MKL Compilers. The makefile makefile LP is an example of a makefile used to compile using g++ and LAPACK libraries. The makefile makefile_FLUX is an example of a makefile used to compile on a supercomputer such as the University of Michigan Flux Supercomputer. The makefile makefile_STAMPEDE is an example of a makefile used to compile on the Stampede supercomputer which is part of XSEDE. These makefiles should be altered so that the libraries are correctly linked to their location on the local computer.

3.4.1 Flux

To compile SQu1D on Flux, the following modules need to be loaded, in order:

  1. gcc/4.8.5
  2. intel/16.0.3
  3. openmpi/1.10.2/intel/16.0.3
  4. mkl/11.3.3 Compile SQu1D using on a compute node, not a log in node. To do this most simply, run an interactive job.
qsub -I -V -A allocation-name -q queue-name -l nodes=1:ppn=1,pmem=1gb,walltime=1:00:00,qos=flux

Use the makefile_FLUX makefile.

3.4.2 Stampede

To compile SQu1D on Stampede, the following modules need to be loaded:

  1. cxx11 Compile SQu1D using a compute node, not a log in node. To do this most simply, run an interactive job.
idev -m 15

The -m argument is the number of minutes for the job. Use the makefile_STAMPEDE makefile

3.5. Type the command: make -f \name of makefile

To run any of the makefiles other than the default makefile use the command below:

make -f \name of makefile"

3.6. The code should compile without errors

After typing the make command of your choice, the code should compile without errors. A typical error is that the libraries are linked incorrectly, check if the makefile is using the correct locations for the libraries. Another error could be that you are using the incorrect compiler, the compiler should notify you if it does not recognize the compiler.

3.7. Recompile with changes to the code

If compiled correctly, the code should be ready to run. The only reason to recompile the code after this would be if changes are made to the source code, if you select different definitions in solverdefs.h, or change the constants in constants.h. When recompiling, the code will generally look for files that are changed and only recompile those, but sometimes the makefile does not register changes in particular if changes are made to the header files. In this case use the command make clean to clean the compiled objects then recompile using the makefile. This is good practice if for some reason a compilation error can not be resolved or if the code is giving unexpectedly strange results. The command make cleandat can also be used to remove .dat and .out files in the current directory.

4. Input Files

4.1. SolverType.inp

The SolverType.inp file specifies the type of solver used by the code. The variables used, what they represent, and the options are summarized in the table below. All variables use MKS units. The text describing the variable is just a placeholder used to help arrange the input file. The parameters must be input in this format in the order listed. A default example has been provided.

4.2. SolverInput.inp

All solver input files are arranged in the way described in this section. The text are just placeholders used to help arrange the input file. The parameters must be input in this format in the given order. Sections are used to specify different parameters. First there is a section where each of the groups of particles or species is declared. Next a section is included for the collisions modeled, specifically there is a Coulomb and neutral collisions section. After this the boundary conditions are selected. This is followed by a section for the initial conditions. Finally a section is included for applying special regions such as heating and particle sources. More details for each of these sections is given below. Note that profiles can be given for many of the parameters according to the parser. More details can be found online. For the parser the parameter x is used as the axial direction. A default example has been provided.

5. Running the code

The code is run by typing either of the following commands, the first being for a non-parallel version and the second for the parallel version with, for example, four processors:

  1. ./PIC.exe
  2. mpirun -n 4 ./PIC.exe

The code should try to run and will be successful if the input files are included correctly. If any of the libraries are linked incorrectly an error may appear. If this is the case make sure that paths are declared correctly by the environment variables.

When running the code looks for two input files SolverType.inp and SolverInput.inp which are read to initialize the code. These input files have a very specific layout which must be followed which is presented below. Each contains a EOF to signify the end of the file which should catch some errors in the input, but not all. The inputs typically include text describing the variable to be read in which is followed by a INT, DOUBLE, or STRING read into the code. For simulations which utilize species specific cross section data the folder CrossSectionData/ is also necessary with the desired cross sections.

6.1. Flux

To run SQu1D from a batch script on Flux, use a Torque PBS file. An example has been provided in hpc/runPIC_flux_default.pbs. Be sure to change the default information. The following modules are required to run the binary:

  1. intel/16.0.3
  2. openmpi/1.10.2/intel/16.0.3
  3. mkl/11.3.3

6.2. Stampede

To run SQu1D from a batch script on Stampede, use a Slurm file. An example has been provided in hpc/ruPIC_stampede_default. Be sure to change the default information. The following modules are required to run the binary:

  1. cxx11

6. References

  1. F. H. Ebersohn, J. P. Sheehan, A. D. Gallimore, and J. V. Shebalin, “Quasi-one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of magnetic nozzles,” in International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2015, pp. IEPC–2015–357. pdf
  2. F. H. Ebersohn, “Kinetic Method for Quasi-One-Dimensional Simulation of Magnetic Nozzle Plasmadynamics,” University of Michigan, 2016. pdf

Appendix A: Supercomputer Commands

A.1. Flux

A.1.1. Login

A.1.2. File Transfer

A.1.3. Modules

  • Show loaded modules: module list
  • Show available modules: module av
  • Load a module: module load module-name
  • Unload a module: module unload module-name

A.1.4. Jobs

  • Submit a job: qsub hpc/runPIC_flux.pbs
  • Get the status of a job: qstat job-id
  • Delete a job: qdel job-id
  • Delete all of your own jobs: cancel-my-jobs
  • Interactive job: qsub -I -V -A allocation-name -q queue-name -l nodes=1:ppn=1,pmem=1gb,walltime=1:00:00,qos=flux

A.1.5. Queues and Allocations

  • Show your usage: showq -r -u $USER
  • Show jobs and queue for allocation: showq -w acct=allocation-name
  • Show your user information: mdiag -u $USER
  • my_flux_info
  • Allocation availability: freealloc allocation-name
  • Diagnose allocation: mdiag -a allocation-name

A.2. Stampede

A.2.1. Login

A.2.2. File Transfer

A.2.3. Modules

  • Show loaded modules: module list
  • Show available modules: module av
  • Load a module: module load module-name
  • Unload a module: module unload module-name

A.2.4. Jobs

  • Submit a job: sbatch hpc/runPIC_stampede
  • Monitor jobs: watch -n 10 squeue -u $USER
  • Cancel a job: scancel jobid

A.2.5. Queues and Alloations

  • Show your usage: showq -u $USER
  • Show your usage: squeue -u $USER


Self-consistent Quasi-1D PIC Code






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