Exploring PartitionShap on raster datasets of an arbitrary number of bands/channels
These notebooks use our SHAP fork with modifications to make it easier to use and visualize multi-channel explanations. The EuroSAT notebooks use TorchSat, a library for working with PyTorch models whose inputs are rasters with arbitraty number of channels.
author = {Krell, E. and Friesen, J. and Judge, J.},
title = {Partitionshap Multiband Demo},
year = {2021},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/conrad-blucher-institute/partitionshap-multiband-demo}},
commit = {5807c4c6eb452b31b88e61276ec7a56b70a61e35}
: ImageNet (RGB) demoPartitionSHAP
: EuroSAT (RGB) demoPartitionSHAP
: EuroSAT (13-band) demo
python SHAP_3D_viewer.py --help
Usage: SHAP_3D_viewer.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file=FILE Path to 3D SHAP values (.npz)
-d DATA_NAME, --data_name=DATA_NAME
Name of SHAP values in the input SHAP values (.npz)
-e, --show_edges Show edges of grid elements
- Evan: Use test instead of validation data for XAI runs in notebooks -> not currently repoducable since will choose a random validation case
- Josh: Add colab notebook with RGB & RGB+NIR model train, test, PartitionShap results (other XAI not is not for this repo!)
- Juliana: Add updated 3D tool, update readme with example for both
files - Does it make sense to "publish" the poster by including the PDF in this repo?