A clojure library that implements the Signature Version 4 Signing Process. It is inspired by s3-beam and this blog post. This library can be used to sign requests, for instance by implementing a signing service.
This library passes the Signature Version 4 Test Suite.
[clj-aws-sign "0.1.1"]
Simple example:
{:method "GET" :uri "/foo/bar"
:query [["name" "asimov"]] :date "20150830T123600Z"
:headers {"host" "somehost"}
:service "s3" :region "ca-central-1"
:access-key "myaccesskey" :secret-key "mysecretkey"})
AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=myaccesskey/20150830/ca-central-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host, Signature=e771437ef1c615047cffbf99a20bd20c6e4f361b2600e12534b563065e900bc7
You can use this string as Authorization
The following options are necessary:
- The method of the request:GET
- The uri of the request -
- Date following ISO 8601 format YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z', for instance"20150830T123600Z"
- AWS access key -
- AWS secret key -
- AWS service, for instance"s3"
- AWS region, for instance"eu-west-1"
The following options are optional:
- Query parameters of the request as vector tuples in a vector:[["name" "Walter"] ["surname" "White"]]
- Headers of the request you want to sign as map:{"Host" "s3-eu-west-1" "x-amz-content-sha256" "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"}
, if you provide a"x-amz-date"
will be overriden -
- The request body
lein test
lein jar
docker build \
--build-arg DOCKER_URL=docker.io \
--build-arg DOCKER_ORG='alphaprosoft' \
--build-arg ARTIFACT_ORG='com.github.clj-aws-sign' \
--build-arg BUILD_ID=0 \
-f Dockerfile .
Copyright © 2017 Josef Erben
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.