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TEGS Scripting Language

Jon Thysell edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 5 revisions

TEGS provides an easy-to-use scripting language for Graph authors to define:

  1. The changes to state variables when Vertices execute
  2. The conditions, parameters, and delay when Edges execute
  3. The values to be traced to output at each step of a running Simulation

The language is loosely based on C# to make it relatively easy to convert graphs into independent .NET applications.

1. Data Types

There are four data types available:

1.1 Booleans

A Boolean is boolean type that represents either a true or a false value.

Internally TEGS uses a C# bool.

1.2 Integers

An Integer is an integral numeric type that represents an integer, or whole, number from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

Internally TEGS uses a C# int.

1.3 Doubles

A Double is a floating-point numeric type that represents a real, or fractional, number from ±5.0 × 10−324 to ±1.7 × 10308.

Internally TEGS uses a C# double.

1.4 Strings

A String is a textual type that represents a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters.

Internally TEGS uses a C# string.