- command format: “t1+100” etc
- assumes 200Hz unity rate, breaks each command into 5 increments and allows for interruption by a new serial packet
- has 1ms timeout for commanding motor
- instructs in increments, each increment = 0.01 cm
- command format: “t1+100” etc
- breaks each command into 5 increments, runs commands serially on each motor; allows for a new command to a motor to interrupt the previous command on that motor
- instructs in increments, each increment = 0.01 cm
- command format: “t+100+100+100+100” etc
- encodes all four commands in one packet
- runs command serially on each motor in increments of 5; allows for interrupting from new serial
- has 1ms timeout for commanding motor
- instructs in increments, each increment = 0.01 cm
- command format: “2,3,5,40\n” where 2=k_p, 3=k_i, 5=k_d, 40=angle
- use with pid_tune.py
- outputs time taken to turn to each angle
- command format: “t1+100”
- commands a motor to go a delta distance, eg 100 increments (1 increment = 0.01 cm)