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  • For more ensembling, check ENSEMBLE sections and here:

  • Tree based models in detail with R & Python example:

  • [R Implementation] Choose models for emsemling:

    • The models are les correlated to each other
    • The code in this tutorial is trying to test the results made by multiple models and choose the model combination that gets the best result (I'm thinking how do they deal with random seed issues)
  • When a categorical variable has very large number of category, Gain Ratio is preferred over Information Gain

  • Light GBM

    • Reference:
    • Leaf-wise - Optimization in Accuracy: Other boosting algorithms use depth-wise or level-wise, while Light BGM is using leaf-wise. With this method, Light GBM becomes more complexity and has less info loss and therefore can be more accurate than other boosting methods.
    • Sometimes, overfitting could happen, and therfore need to set max-depth
    • Using Histogram Based Algorithms
      • Many boosting tools as using pre-sorted based algorithms (default XGBoost algorithm) for decision tree learning, which makes the solution but less easier to optimize
      • LightGBM uses the histogram based algorithms, which bucketing continuous features into discrete bins, to speed up training procedure and reduce memory usage
      • Reduce Calculation Cost of Split Gain: pre-sorted based cost O(#data) to calculate; histogram based needs O(#data) to construcu histogram but O(#bins) to calculate Split Gain. #bins often smaller than #data, and this is why if you tune #bins to a smaller number, it will speed up the algorithm
      • Use histogram subtraction for further speed-up: To get one leaf's histograms in a binary tree, can use the histogram subtraction of its parent and its neighbor, only needs to construct histograms for one leaf (with smaller #data than its neighbor), then can get histograms of its neighbor by histogram subtraction with small cost( O(#bins) )
      • Reduce Memory usage: with small number of bins, can use smaller data type to store trainning data; no need to store extra info for pre-sorting features
    • Sparse Optimization: Only need O(2 x #non_zero_data) to construct histogram for sparse features
    • Optimization in network communication: it implements Collective Communication Algorithms which can provide much better performance than Point-to-Point Communication.
    • Oprimization in Parallel Learning
      • Feature Parallel - Different from traditional feature parallel, which partitions data vertically for each worker. In LightGBM, every worker holds the full data. Therefore, no need to communicate for split result of data since every worker know how to split data. Then Workers find local best split point{feature, threshold} on local feature set -> Communicate local best splits with each other and get the best one -> Perform best split
      • Data Parallel - However, when data is hugh, feature parallel will still be overhead. Use Data Parallel instead. Reduce communiation. Reduced communication cost from O(2 * #feature* #bin) to O(0.5 * #feature* #bin) for data parallel in LightGBM. Instead of "Merge global histograms from all local histograms", LightGBM use "Reduce Scatter" to merge histograms of different(non-overlapping) features for different workers. Then workers find local best split on local merged histograms and sync up global best split. LightGBM use histogram subtraction to speed up training. Based on this, it can communicate histograms only for one leaf, and get its neighbor's histograms by subtraction as well.
      • Voting Parallel - Further reduce the communication cost in Data parallel to constant cost. It uses two stage voting to reduce the communication cost of feature Histograms.
    • Advantages
      • Faster Training - histogram method to bucket continuous features into discrete bins
      • Better Accuracy than other boosting methods, such as XGBoost
      • Performe on large dataset
      • Parallel Learning
    • Param Highlight
      • Hight Parameter - device: default= cpu ; options = gpu,cpu. Device on which we want to train our model. Choose GPU for faster training.
      • Hight Parameter - label: type=string ; specify the label column
      • Hight Parameter - categorical_feature: type=string ; specify the categorical features we want to use for training our model
      • Hight Parameter - num_class: default=1 ; type=int ; used only for multi-class classification
      • Hight Parameter - num_iterations: number of boosting iterations to be performed ; default=100; type=int
      • Hight Parameter - num_leaves: number of leaves in one tree; default = 31 ; type =int
      • Hight Parameter - max_depth: deal with overfitting
      • Hight Parameter - bagging_fraction: default=1 ; specifies the fraction of data to be used for each iteration and is generally used to speed up the training and avoid overfitting.
      • Hight Parameter - num_threads: default=OpenMP_default, type=int ;Number of threads for Light GBM.
  • CatBoost


  • For more data preprocessing, check DATA PREPROCESSING section:

  • Check Dataset Shifting

    • For me, I will majorly use it to check whether the new dataset still can use current methods created from the previous dataset.
      • For example, you are using online model (real time streaming), and you need to evaluate your model periodically to see whether it still can be applifed to the new data streaming. Or for time series, you want to check whether the model built for a certain time range applies to other time. And many other situations, that the current model may no longer apply to the new dataset
    • Types of Data Shift
      • Covariate Shift - Shift in features. Then for the new model, you may need to modify feature selection, or find those features may lead to data shift and don't use them as selected features
      • If the features in both the dataset belong to different distributions then, they should be able to separate the dataset into old and new sets significantly. These features are drifting features
      • Prior probability shift - Shift in label. For example, when you use Byesian model to predict multiple categories, then all the classes appeared in testing data has to appear in training, if not then it is Prior probability shift
      • Concept Shift - Shift in the relationship between features and the label. For example, in the old dataset, Feature1 could lead to Class 'Y', but in the new dataset, it could lead to Class 'N'
    • My Code:
    • Reference:
  • Entity Resolution

  • Dimension Reduction

    • t-SNE, non-linear dimensional reduction
      • Reference (a pretty good one!):
      • (t-SNE) t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding is a non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithm used for exploring high-dimensional data, it considers nearest neighbours when reduce the data. It is a non-parametric mapping.
      • The problem with linear dimensional reduction, is that they concentrate on placing dissimilar data points far apart in a lower dimension representation. However, it is also important to put similar data close together, linear dimensional reduction does not do this
      • In t-SNE, there are local approaches and global approaches. Local approaches seek to map nearby points on the manifold to nearby points in the low-dimensional representation. Global approaches on the other hand attempt to preserve geometry at all scales, i.e mapping nearby points to nearby points and far away points to far away points  
      • It is important to know that most of the nonlinear techniques other than t-SNE are not capable of retaining both the local and global structure of the data at the same time.
      • The algorithm computes pairwise conditional probabilities and tries to minimize the sum of the difference of the probabilities in higher and lower dimensions. This involves a lot of calculations and computations. So the algorithm is quite heavy on the system resources. t-SNE has a quadratic O(n2) time and space complexity in the number of data points. This makes it particularly slow and resource draining while applying it to data sets comprising of more than 10,000 observations. Another drawback is, it doesn’t always provide a similar output on successive runs.
      • How it works: it clusters similar data reocrds together, but it's not clustering because once the data has been mapped to lower dimensional, the original features are no longer recognizable.
      • NOTE: t-SNE could also help to make semanticly similar words close to each other, which could help create text summary, text comparison
      • R practice code:
      • Python practice code:
    • For more Dimensional Reduction, check "DATA PREPROCESSING" section
    • Some dimentional reduction methods
    • A little more about Factor Analysis
      • Fator Analysis is a variable reduction technique. It is used to determine factor structure or model. It also explains the maximum amount of variance in the model
      • EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) – Identifies and summarizes the underlying correlation structure in a data set
      • CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) – Attempts to confirm hypothesis using the correlation structure and rate ‘goodness of fit’.
    • Dimension Reduction Must Know
      • Reference:
      • Besides different algorithms to help reduce number of features, we can also use existing features to form less features as a dimensional reduction method. For example, we have features A, B, C, D, then we form E = 2A+B, F = 3C-D, then only choose E, F as the features for analysis
      • Cost function of SNE is asymmetric in nature. Which makes it difficult to converge using gradient decent. A symmetric cost function is one of the major differences between SNE and t-SNE.
      • For the perfect representations of higher dimensions to lower dimensions, the conditional probabilities for similarity of two points must remain unchanged in both higher and lower dimension, which means the similarity is unchanged
      • LDA aims to maximize the distance between class and minimize the within class distance. If the discriminatory information is not in the mean but in the variance of the data, LDA will fail.
      • Both LDA and PCA are linear transformation techniques. LDA is supervised whereas PCA is unsupervised. PCA maximize the variance of the data, whereas LDA maximize the separation between different classes.
      • When eigenvalues are roughly equal, PCA will perform badly, because when all eigen vectors are same in such case you won’t be able to select the principal components because in that case all principal components are equal. When using PCA, it is better to scale data in the same unit
      • When using PCA, features will lose interpretability and they may not carry all the info of the data. You don’t need to initialize parameters in PCA, and PCA can’t be trapped into local minima problem. PCA is a deterministic algorithm which doesn’t have parameters to initialize. PCA can be used for lossy image compression, and it is not invariant to shadows.
      • A deterministic algorithm has no param to initialize, and it gives the same result if we run again.
      • Logistic Regression vs LDA: If the classes are well separated, the parameter estimates for logistic regression can be unstable. If the sample size is small and distribution of features are normal for each class. In such case, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is more stable than logistic regression.


  • 7 important model evaluation metrics and cross validation:

    • Confusion Matrix
    • Lift / Gain charts are widely used in campaign targeting problems. This tells us till which decile can we target customers for an specific campaign. Also, it tells you how much response do you expect from the new target base.
    • Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) chart is a measure of the degree of separation between the positive and negative distributions. The K-S is 100, the higher the value the better the model is at separating the positive from negative cases.
    • The ROC curve is the plot between sensitivity and (1- specificity). (1- specificity) is also known as false positive rate and sensitivity is also known as True Positive rate. To bring ROC curve down to a single number, AUC, which is the ratio under the curve and the total area. .90-1 = excellent (A) ; .80-.90 = good (B) ; .70-.80 = fair (C) ; .60-.70 = poor (D) ; .50-.60 = fail (F). But this might simply be over-fitting. In such cases it becomes very important to to in-time and out-of-time validations. For a model which gives class as output, will be represented as a single point in ROC plot. In case of probabilistic model, we were fortunate enough to get a single number which was AUC-ROC. But still, we need to look at the entire curve to make conclusive decisions.
    • Lift is dependent on total response rate of the population. ROC curve on the other hand is almost independent of the response rate, because the numerator and denominator of both x and y axis will change on similar scale in case of response rate shift.
    • Gini = 2*AUC – 1. Gini Coefficient is nothing but ratio between area between the ROC curve and the diagnol line & the area of the above triangle
    • The concordant pair is where the probability of responder was higher than non-responder. Whereas discordant pair is where the vice-versa holds true. Concordant ratio of more than 60% is considered to be a good model. It is primarily used to access the model’s predictive power. For decisions like how many to target are again taken by KS / Lift charts.
    • RMSE: The power of ‘square root’ empowers this metric to show large number deviations. The ‘squared’ nature of this metric helps to deliver more robust results which prevents cancelling the positive and negative error values. When we have more samples, reconstructing the error distribution using RMSE is considered to be more reliable. RMSE is highly affected by outlier values. Hence, make sure you’ve removed outliers from your data set prior to using this metric. As compared to mean absolute error, RMSE gives higher weightage and punishes large errors.
    • k-fold cross validation is widely used to check whether a model is an overfit or not. If the performance metrics at each of the k times modelling are close to each other and the mean of metric is highest. For a small k, we have a higher selection bias but low variance in the performances. For a large k, we have a small selection bias but high variance in the performances. Generally a value of k = 10 is recommended for most purpose.
    • Tolerance (1 / VIF) is used as an indicator of multicollinearity. It is an indicator of percent of variance in a predictor which cannot be accounted by other predictors. Large values of tolerance is desirable.
  • To measure linear regression, we could use Adjusted R² or F value.

  • To measure logistic regression:

    • AUC-ROC curve along with confusion matrix to determine its performance.
    • The analogous metric of adjusted R² in logistic regression is AIC. AIC is the measure of fit which penalizes model for the number of model coefficients. Therefore, we always prefer model with minimum AIC value.
    • Null Deviance indicates the response predicted by a model with nothing but an intercept. Lower the value, better the model.
    • Residual deviance indicates the response predicted by a model on adding independent variables. Lower the value, better the model.
  • Regularization becomes necessary when the model begins to ovefit / underfit. This technique introduces a cost term for bringing in more features with the objective function. Hence, it tries to push the coefficients for many variables to zero and hence reduce cost term. This helps to reduce model complexity so that the model can become better at predicting (generalizing).

Applied Data Science in Python/R/Java

Statistics in Data Science

  • 6 distributions

    • Overall
      • The expected value of any distribution is the mean of the distribution
    • Bernoulli Distribution
      • only 2 possible outcomes
      • The expected value for a random variable X in this distributioon is p (probability)
      • The variance for a random variable X in this distributioon is p(1-p)
    • Uniform Distributionz
      • The probability of all the N number of outcomes are equally likely
      • a is min of uniform distribution, b is max of uniform distribution, the probability of a random variable in X is 1/(b-a); the probability of a range (x1,x2) is (x2-x1)/(b-a)
      • mean = (a+b)/2
      • variance = (b-a)^2/12
      • Standard Uniform Distribution has a=0, b=1, if x in [0,1] range, probability is 1, otherwise 0
    • Binomial Distribution
      • The probabilities for 2 outcomes are the same in each trail
      • Each trail is independent
      • n is the number of trails, p is the probability of success in each trail => mean=n*p, variance=n*p*(1-p)
      • If the probability of 2 outcomes are the same, then the distribution is normal distribution
    • Normal Distribution
      • The mean, median and mode of the distribution coincide.
      • The curve of the distribution is bell-shaped and symmetrical about the line x=μ.
      • The total area under the curve is 1.
      • Exactly half of the values are to the left of the center and the other half to the right.
      • Standard normal distribution has mean 0 and standard deviation 1
    • Poisson Distribution
      • It is applicable in situations where events occur at random points of time and space where in our interest lies only in the number of occurrences of the event.
        • e.g number of times of have ice-cream in a year; number of flowers in a garden. etc
      • Any successful event should not influence the outcome of another successful event.
      • The probability of success over a short interval must equal the probability of success over a longer interval.
      • The probability of success in an interval approaches zero as the interval becomes smaller.
      • λ is the rate at which an event occurs, t is the length of a time interval, and X is the number of events in that time interval. mean = λ*t
    • Exponential Distribution
      • Compared with poisson distribution, exponential distribution means the time interval between 2 events
        • e.g the time interval between eating 2 ice-creams
      • It is widely used in survival analysis. λ is called the failure rate of a device at any time t, given that it has survived up to t. For a random variable X, mean=1/λ, variance=(1/λ)^2. The greater the rate, the faster the curve drops and the lower the rate, flatter the curve.
    • Relationship between distributions
      • Bernoulli Distribution is a special case of Binomial Distribution with a single trial
      • Poisson Distribution is a limiting case of binomial distribution under the following conditions:
        • The number of trials is indefinitely large or n → ∞.
        • The probability of success for each trial is same and indefinitely small or p →0.
        • np = λ, is finite
      • Normal distribution is another limiting form of binomial distribution under the following conditions:
        • The number of trials is indefinitely large, n → ∞
        • Both p and q are NOT indefinitely small, and p=q
      • Normal distribution is also a limiting case of Poisson distribution with the parameter λ →∞
      • If the times between random events follow exponential distribution with rate λ, then the total number of events in a time period of length t follows the Poisson distribution with parameter λt.
    • reference:
  • Odds: Odds are defined as the ratio of the probability of success and the probability of failure. For example, a fair coin has probability of success is 1/2 and the probability of failure is 1/2 so odd would be 1

  • Bayesian Statistics

    • Reference:
    • Frequentist Statistics
      • Frequentist Statistics tests whether an event (hypothesis) occurs or not. It calculates the probability of an event in the long run of the experiment (i.e the experiment is repeated under the same conditions to obtain the outcome).
      • Drawback 1 - p-value changes when sample size and stop intention change
      • Drawback 2 - confidence level (C.L) also heavily depends on sample size like p-value
      • Drawback 3 - confidence level (C.L) are not probability distributions therefore they do not provide the most probable value for a parameter and the most probable values
    • Because of the drawbacks of Frequentist Statistics, here comes Bayesian Statistics
      • "Bayesian statistics is a mathematical procedure that applies probabilities to statistical problems. It provides people the tools to update their beliefs in the evidence of new data."
      • Bayes theorem is built on top of conditional probability and lies in the heart of Bayesian Inference.
      • Bayes Theorem Wiki is better:
      • Bayes Inference part here is good, especially in explaining prior, likelyhood of observing prior, evidence and posterior. The probability of observing prior depends upon the fairness
      • The reason that we chose prior belief is to obtain a beta distribution. This is because when we multiply it with a likelihood function, posterior distribution yields a form similar to the prior distribution which is much easier to relate to and understand
      • Bayes factor is the equivalent of p-value in the bayesian framework. The null hypothesis in bayesian framework assumes ∞ probability distribution only at a particular value of a parameter (say θ=0.5) and a zero probability else where. (M1); The alternative hypothesis is that all values of θ are possible, hence a flat curve representing the distribution. (M2). Bayes factor is defined as the ratio of the posterior odds to the prior odds. To reject a null hypothesis, a BF <1/10 is preferred.
  • Find All Calculators here, this one is easier to understand and better to use

  • Termology glossary for statistics in machine learning:

  • Statistics behind Boruta feature selection:

  • How the laws of group theory provide a useful codification of the practical lessons of building efficient distributed and real-time aggregation systems (from 22:00, he started to talk about HyperLogLog and other approximation data structures):

  • Confusing Concepts

    • Errors and Residuals:
    • Heteroskedasticity: led by non-constant variance in error terms. Usually, non-constant variance is caused by outliers or extreme values
    • Coefficient and p-value/t-statistics: coefficient measures the strength of the relationship of 2 variables, while p-value/t-statistics measures how strong the evidence that there is non-zero association
    • Anscombe's quartet comprises four datasets that have nearly identical simple statistical properties, yet appear very different when graphed:'s_quartet
    • Difference between gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent:
    • Correlation & Covariance: In probability theory and statistics, correlation and covariance are two similar measures for assessing how much two attributes change together. The mean values of A and B, respectively, are also known as the expected values on A and B, E(A), E(B). Covariance, Cov(A,B)=E(A·B) - E(A)*E(B)
    • Rate vs Proportion: A rate differs from a proportion in that the numerator and the denominator need not be of the same kind and that the numerator may exceed the denominator. For example, the rate of pressure ulcers may be expressed as the number of pressure ulcers per 1000 patient days.
  • Bias is useful to quantify how much on an average are the predicted values different from the actual value. A high bias error means we have a under-performing model which keeps on missing important trends. Varianc on the other side quantifies how are the prediction made on same observation different from each other. A high variance model will over-fit on your training population and perform badly on any observation beyond training.

  • OLS and Maximum likelihood are the methods used by the respective regression methods to approximate the unknown parameter (coefficient) value. OLS is to linear regression. Maximum likelihood is to logistic regression. Ordinary least square(OLS) is a method used in linear regression which approximates the parameters resulting in minimum distance between actual and predicted values. Maximum Likelihood helps in choosing the the values of parameters which maximizes the likelihood that the parameters are most likely to produce observed data.

  • Standard Deviation – It is the amount of variation in the population data. It is given by σ. Standard Error – It is the amount of variation in the sample data. It is related to Standard Deviation as σ/√n, where, n is the sample size, σ is the standandard deviation of the population. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of values. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.

  • 95% confidence interval does not mean the probability of a population mean to lie in an interval is 95%. Instead, 95% C.I means that 95% of the Interval estimates will contain the population statistic.

  • If a sample mean lies in the margin of error range then, it might be possible that its actual value is equal to the population mean and the difference is occurring by chance.

  • Difference between z-scores and t-values are that t-values are dependent on Degree of Freedom of a sample, and t-values use sample standard deviation while z-scores use population standard deviation.

  • The Degree of Freedom – It is the number of variables that have the choice of having more than one arbitrary value. For example, in a sample of size 10 with mean 10, 9 values can be arbitrary but the 10th value is forced by the sample mean.

  • Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) - It can be interpreted as the amount by which the predicted values deviated from the actual values. Large deviation would indicate that the model failed at predicting the correct values for the dependent variable. Regression (Explained) Sum of Squares (ESS) – It can be interpreted as the amount by which the predicted values deviated from the the mean of actual values.

  • Residuals is also known as the prediction error, they are vertical distance of points from the regression line

  • Co-efficient of Determination = ESS/(ESS + RSS). It represents the strength of correlation between two variables. Correlation Coefficient = sqrt(Co-efficient of Determination), also represents the strength of correlation between two variables, ranges between [-1,1]. 0 means no correlation, 1 means strong positive correlation, -1 means strong neagtive correlation.

  • About Data Sampling:

    • Probability sampling can be representative, non-probability sampling may not
    • probability Sampling    * Random sample. (I guess R sample() is random sampling by default, so that each feature has the same weight)
      • Stratified sample
    • Nonprobability Sampling
      • Quota sample
      • Purposive sample
      • Convenience sample
  • Comprehensive and Practical Statistics Guide for Data Science - A real good one!

    • Sample Distribution and Population Distribution, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Interval
    • Hypothesis Testing
    • t-test calculator
    • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), continuous and categorical variables, ANOVA also requires data from approximately normally distributed populations with equal variances between factor levels.
    • F-ratio calculator
    • Chi-square test, categorical variables
    • chi-square calculator
    • Regression and ANOVA, it is important is knowing the degree to which your model is successful in explaining the trend (variance) in dependent variable. ANOVA helps finding the effectiveness of regression models.
    • An example of hypothesis test with chi-square:
      • chi-square tests the hypothesis that A and B are independent, that is, there is no correlation between them. Chi-square is used to calculate the correlation between characteristical variables
      • In this example, you have already calculated chi-square value as 507.93
      • B feature has 2 levels, "science-fiction", "history"; A feature has 2 levels, "female", "male". So we can form a 2x2 table. The degree of freedom = (2-1)*(2-1) = 1
      • Use the calculator here to calculate significant level, type degree of freedom as 1, probability as 0.001 (you can choose a probability you'd like). The calculated significant level is 10.82756617
      • chi-square value 507.93 is much larger than the significant level, so we reject the hypothesis that A, B are independent and not correlated
  • Probability cheat sheet:

  • Likelihood vs Probability:

    • Likelihood is the hypothetical probability that a past event would yield a specific outcome.
    • Probability refers to the occurrence of future events, while Likelihood refers to past events with known outcomes.
  • Probability basics with examples

    • binonial distribution: a binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of the number of success in a sequence of n independent Bernoulli trials (having only yes/no or true/false outcomes).
    • The normal distribution is perfectly symmetrical about the mean. The probabilities move similarly in both directions around the mean. The total area under the curve is 1, since summing up all the possible probabilities would give 1.
    • Area Under the Normal Distribution
    • Z score: The distance in terms of number of standard deviations, the observed value is away from the mean, is the standard score or the Z score. Observed value = µ+zσ [µ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation]
    • Find Z Table here
  • Very Basic Conditional Probability and Bayes Theorem

    • Independent, Exclusive, Exhaustive events
    • Each time, when it's something about statistics pr probability, I will still read all the content to guarantee that I won't miss anything useful. This one is basic but I like the way it starts from simple concepts, using real life examples and finally leads to how does Bayes Theorem work. Although, there is an error in formula P (no cancer and +) = P (no cancer) * P(+) = 0.99852*0.99, it should be 0.99852*0.01
    • There are some major formulas here are important to Bayes Theorem:    * P(A|B) = P(A AND B)/P(B)
      • P(A|B) = P(B|A)*P(A)/P(B)
      • P(A AND B) = P(B|A)*P(A) = P(A|B)*P(B)
      • P(b1|A) + P(b2|A) + .... + P(bn|A) = P(A)
  • Dispersion - In statistics, dispersion (also called variability, scatter, or spread) is the extent to which a distribution is stretched or squeezed. Common examples of measures of statistical dispersion are the variance, standard deviation, and interquartile range.

  • Common Formulas

  • Linear regression line attempts to minimize the squared distance between the points and the regression line. By definition the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression tries to have the minimum sum of squared errors. This means that the sum of squared residuals should be minimized. This may or may not be achieved by passing through the maximum points in the data. The most common case of not passing through all points and reducing the error is when the data has a lot of outliers or is not very strongly linear.

  • Person vs Spearman: Pearson correlation evaluated the linear relationship between two continuous variables. A relationship is linear when a change in one variable is associated with a proportional change in the other variable. Spearman evaluates a monotonic relationship. A monotonic relationship is one where the variables change together but not necessarily at a constant rate.

  • Coefficient

  • Linear Algebra with Python calculations

  • To comapre the similarity between 2 curves

    • Try to compare from these perspectives:
      • Distance
      • Shape
      • Size of the Area in between
    • Kolmogorov–Smirnov test - distance based
      • its null hypothesis this, the smaple is drawn from the reference graph
      • So, if the generated p-value is smaller than the threshold, reject null hypothesis, which means the 2 curves are not similar
    • Dynamic Time Wrapping (DTW) - distance based
    • Check the consistency of Peak and non-peak points of the 2 curves - shape based
  • Simulation Methods

  • Saddle Points

    • The saddle point will always occur at a relative minimum along one axial direction (between peaks) and at a relative maximum along the crossing axis. Saddle Point Wiki
    • How to Escape Saddle Point Efficiently
      • Strict saddle points vs Non-strict saddle points: non-strict saddle points can be flat in the valley, strict saddle points require that there is at least one direction along which the curvature is strictly negative
      • GD with only random initialization can be significantly slowed by saddle points, taking exponential time to escape. The behavior of PGD (projected GD) is strikingingly different — it can generically escape saddle points in polynomial time.
      • Difference between Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) and Gradient Descent (GD)

Machine Learning Algorithms

  • KNN with R example:

    • KNN unbiased and no prior assumption, fast
    • It needs good data preprocessing such as missing data imputing, categorical to numerical
    • k normally choose the square root of total data observations
    • It is also known as lazy learner because it involves minimal training of model. Hence, it doesn’t use training data to make generalization on unseen data set.
  • SVM with Python example:

  • Basic Essentials of Some Popular Machine Learning Algorithms with R & Python Examples:

    • Linear Regression: Y = aX + b, a is slope, b is intercept. The intercept term shows model prediction without any independent variable. When there is only 1 independent variable, it is Simple Linear Regression, when there are multiple independent variables, it is Multiple Linear Regression. For Multiple Linear Regression, we can fit Polynomial Courvilinear Regression.
    • When to use Ridge or Lasso: In presence of few variables with medium / large sized effect, use lasso regression. In presence of many variables with small / medium sized effect, use ridge regression. Lasso regression does both variable selection and parameter shrinkage, whereas Ridge regression only does parameter shrinkage and end up including all the coefficients in the model. In presence of correlated variables, ridge regression might be the preferred choice. Also, ridge regression works best in situations where the least square estimates have higher variance.
    • Logistic Regression: it is classification, predicting the probability of discrete values. It chooses parameters that maximize the likelihood of observing the sample values rather than that minimize the sum of squared errors (like in ordinary regression).
    • Decision Tree: serves for both categorical and numerical data. Split with the most significant variable each time to make as distinct groups as possible, using various techniques like Gini, Information Gain = (1- entropy), Chi-square. A decision tree algorithm is known to work best to detect non – linear interactions. The reason why decision tree failed to provide robust predictions because it couldn’t map the linear relationship as good as a regression model did.
    • SVM: seperate groups with a line and maximize the margin distance. Good for small dataset, especially those with large number of features
    • Naive Bayes: the assumption of equally importance and the independence between predictors. Very simple and good for large dataset, also majorly used in text classification and multi-class classification. Likelihood is the probability of classifying a given observation as 1 in presence of some other variable. For example: The probability that the word ‘FREE’ is used in previous spam message is likelihood. Marginal likelihood is, the probability that the word ‘FREE’ is used in any message.
    • KNN: can be used for both classification and regression. Computationally expensive since it stores all the cases. Variables should be normalized else higher range variables can bias it. Data preprocessing before using KNN, such as dealing with outliers, missing data, noise
    • K-Means
    • Random Forest: bagging, which means if the number of cases in the training set is N, then sample of N cases is taken at random but with replacement. This sample will be the training set for growing the tree. If there are M input variables, a number m<<M is specified such that at each node, m variables are selected at random out of the M and the best split on these m is used to split the node. The value of m is held constant during the forest growing. Each tree is grown to the largest extent possible. There is no pruning. Random Forest has to go with cross validation, otherwise overfitting could happen.
    • PCA: Dimensional Reduction, it selects fewer components (than features) which can explain the maximum variance in the data set, using Rotation. Personally, I like Boruta Feature Selection. Filter Methods for feature selection are my second choice. Remove highly correlated variables before using PCA
    • GBM (try C50, XgBoost at the same time in practice)
    • Difference between Random Forest and GBM: Random Forest is bagging while GBM is boosting. In bagging technique, a data set is divided into n samples using randomized sampling. Then, using a single learning algorithm a model is build on all samples. Later, the resultant predictions are combined using voting or averaging. Bagging is done is parallel. In boosting, after the first round of predictions, the algorithm weighs misclassified predictions higher, such that they can be corrected in the succeeding round. This sequential process of giving higher weights to misclassified predictions continue until a stopping criterion is reached.Random forest improves model accuracy by reducing variance (mainly). The trees grown are uncorrelated to maximize the decrease in variance. On the other hand, GBM improves accuracy my reducing both bias and variance in a model.
  • Online Learning vs Batch Learning:

  • Optimization - Genetic Algorithm

  • Survey of Optimization

  • Optimization - Gradient Descent

    • Reference:
    • Challenges for gradient descent
      • data challenge: cannot be used on non-convex optimization problem; may end up at local optimum instead of global optimum; may even not an optimal point when gradient is 0 (saddle point)
      • gradient challenge: when gradient is too small or too large, vanishing gradient or exploding gradient could happen
      • implementation chanllenge: memory, hardware/software limitations
    • Type 1 - Vanilla Gradient Descent
      • "Vanilla" means pure here
      • update = learning_rate * gradient_of_parameters
      • parameters = parameters - update
    • Type 2 - Gradient Descent with Momentum
      • update = learning_rate * gradient
      • velocity = previous_update * momentum
      • parameter = parameter + velocity – update
      • With velocity, it considers the previous update
    • Type 3 - ADAGRAD
      • ADAGRAD uses adaptive technique for learning rate updation.
      • grad_component = previous_grad_component + (gradient * gradient)
      • rate_change = square_root(grad_component) + epsilon
      • adapted_learning_rate = learning_rate * rate_change
      • update = adapted_learning_rate * gradient
      • parameter = parameter – update
      • epsilon is a constant which is used to keep rate of change of learning rate
    • Type 4 - ADAM
      • ADAM is one more adaptive technique which builds on adagrad and further reduces it downside. In other words, you can consider this as momentum + ADAGRAD.
      • adapted_gradient = previous_gradient + ((gradient – previous_gradient) * (1 – beta1))
      • gradient_component = (gradient_change – previous_learning_rate)
      • adapted_learning_rate = previous_learning_rate + (gradient_component * (1 – beta2))
      • update = adapted_learning_rate * adapted_gradient
      • parameter = parameter – update
    • Tips for choose models
      • For rapid prototyping, use adaptive techniques like Adam/Adagrad. These help in getting quicker results with much less efforts. As here, you don’t require much hyper-parameter tuning.
      • To get the best results, you should use vanilla gradient descent or momentum. gradient descent is slow to get the desired results, but these results are mostly better than adaptive techniques.
      • If your data is small and can be fit in a single iteration, you can use 2nd order techniques like l-BFGS. This is because 2nd order techniques are extremely fast and accurate, but are only feasible when data is small enough

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