A simple ringbuffer template implementation in C++ that can utilize local or shared memory.
Compile with -std=c++11 flag, there's an example threaded app in main.cpp. One limitation of the SHM version is that the buffer must be statically sized. The locally allocated version can be allocated on the fly.
By defualt this will build a library. The header file that should be included when using the FIFO is simply fifo.hpp. It can be instantiated on SHM or heap. The size of each FIFO is static. It is also lock free.
#include "fifo.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using ringb_t = RingBuffer< std::int64_t /* buffer type */,
Type::Heap /* allocation type */
> TheBuffer;
static void func_a( ringb_t &buffer, bool &term )
int i = 0;
while( ! term )
buffer.push( i++ );
static void func_b( ringb_t &buffer, bool &term )
while( ! term )
int value;
buffer.push( value );
std::cout << value << "\n";
int main()
ringb_t buffer( 100 /** size **/ );
bool term( false );
std::thread a( func_a, std::ref( buffer ), std::ref( term ) );
std::thread b( func_b, std::ref( buffer ), std::ref( term ) );
term = true;
return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
- Add TCP connected ringbuffer implementation.
- Add Java implementation that can use the C/C++ allocated SHM with at least primitive types.
- Add write and read optimizations.