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Added 2006 Solutions
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johnafish committed Feb 18, 2016
1 parent e7a73b6 commit cff212e
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,507 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions 2006/Junior/J1.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
% CCC 2006 Junior problem 1
% The New CCC (Canadian Calorie Counting)
% simple I/O and if's

var burger, side, drink, dessert : int
var calorie : int

put "Welcome to Chip's Fast Food Emporium"
put "Please enter your burger choice: "
get burger
put "Please enter your side order choice: "
get side
put "Please enter your drink choice: "
get drink
put "Please enter your desert choice: "
get dessert

if burger = 1 then
calorie := 461
elsif burger = 2 then
calorie := 431
elsif burger = 3 then
calorie := 420
calorie := 0
end if

if side = 1 then
calorie := calorie + 100
elsif side = 2 then
calorie := calorie + 57
elsif side = 3 then
calorie := calorie + 70
calorie := calorie + 0
end if

if drink = 1 then
calorie := calorie + 130
elsif drink = 2 then
calorie := calorie + 160
elsif drink = 3 then
calorie := calorie + 118
calorie := calorie + 0
end if

if dessert = 1 then
calorie := calorie + 167
elsif dessert = 2 then
calorie := calorie + 266
elsif dessert = 3 then
calorie := calorie + 75
calorie := calorie + 0
end if

put ""
put "Your total Calorie count is ", calorie, "."

30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions 2006/Junior/J2.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
% CCC 2006 Junior problem 2
% Roll the Dice
% given to dice with m and n sides, (from 1 to m or n)
% calculate the number of combos which add to 10

% a simple loop does the trick

var n, m : int
var c : int

put "Enter m: "
get m
put "Enter n: "
get n

c := 0
for i : 1 .. m
if 10 - i <= n and 10 - i > 0 then
c := c + 1
end if
end for

put ""
if c = 1 then
put "There is ", c, " way to get the sum 10."
put "There are ", c, " ways to get the sum 10."
end if

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions 2006/Junior/J3.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
% CCC 2006 Junior problem 3
% Cell-Phone Messaging
% determine the time to type a message on a numeric pad
% one sec per keystroke and two sec per pause between
% consecutive letters on the same key.
% simple string processing and if's

var s : string
var t : int

get s
exit when s = "halt"
t := 0
for i : 1 .. length (s)
if index("adgjmptw", s (i)) > 0 then
t := t + 1
elsif index ("behknqux", s (i)) > 0 then
t := t + 2
elsif index ("cfilorvy", s (i)) > 0 then
t := t + 3
elsif index ("sz", s (i)) > 0 then
t := t + 4
end if
if i > 1 and ( (index ("abc", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("abc", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("def", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("def", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("ghi", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("ghi", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("jkl", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("jkl", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("mno", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("mno", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("pqrs", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("pqrs", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("tuv", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("tuv", s (i)) > 0) or
(index ("wxyz", s (i - 1)) > 0 and
index ("wxyz", s (i)) > 0)) then
t := t + 2
end if
end for
put t
end loop

105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions 2006/Junior/J4.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
% CCC 2006 Junior problem 4
% Its tough being a teen
% given a set of ordered intructions determine the
% order it which to do them.
% this involves array processing
% before = the task which must be done first (before)
% after = the task which must be done second (after)
% taken = true/false depending whether ith element has been done
% done = the final order to do the tasks (a string)

% to determine the order
% cycle thru the numbers 1 to 7 and find first one that can be done.
% if one can be done, add it (get out of loop) and start again at 1
% (seven times)
% if at any point you get past 7, then the entire thing can't be done.

var before, after : array 1 .. 15 of int
var taken : array 1 .. 15 of boolean
var done : string
var x, y : int
var size : int
var i, k : int
var stop, cantdoit : boolean

% a task can be done if it is never in "after"
% or all the tasks before it are done.
function canBeDone (i : int) : boolean
var ok : boolean
var neverafter : boolean
var taskbeforedone : boolean
ok := not taken (i)
if ok then
neverafter := true
for j : 1 .. size
if after (j) = i then
neverafter := false
end if
end for
if not neverafter then
taskbeforedone := true
for j : 1 .. size
if after (j) = i and not taken (before (j)) then
taskbeforedone := false
end if
end for
ok := taskbeforedone
end if
end if
result ok
end canBeDone

% get the constraints
before (1) := 1
after (1) := 7
before (2) := 1
after (2) := 4
before (3) := 2
after (3) := 1
before (4) := 3
after (4) := 4
before (5) := 3
after (5) := 5
size := 5
get x, y
exit when x = 0 and y = 0
size := size + 1
before (size) := x
after (size) := y
end loop
for j : 1 .. 7
taken (j) := false
end for
done := ""

% get the order
k := 1
cantdoit := false
exit when cantdoit or k > 7
i := 1
stop := false
exit when i > 7 or stop or cantdoit
if not taken (i) and canBeDone (i) then
taken (i) := true
done := done + intstr (i) + " "
stop := true
end if
i := i + 1
if i > 7 and not stop then
done := "Cannot complete these tasks. Going to bed."
cantdoit := true
end if
end loop
k := k + 1
end loop
put done


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