This repository is the modified package of the original repository.
The issue I had is
- rclcpp node does not provide anything (tf2, tracked image, pose topics etc)
- stereo-inertial node did not work because of QOS setting in IMU subscriber.
- SLAM pose was optical frame pose expressed in OpenCV frame, but I needed camera frame pose in ROS FLU coordinate.
Standalone C++ ORB-SLAM3 repository is here.
It is modified for this repository.
Current repository supports:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS2 foxy
- OpenCV 4.2.0
In the future, I will also test with Ubuntu22.04 (OpenCV 4.5.4).
Please try native installation only if you know what you are doing!!
First, clone the repository.
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src && cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:jnskkmhr/orbslam3.git
We use docker for the simplicity.
You can build docker image via
cd orbslam3
To build orb-slam3 ros2 package, you need to start container and build the package inside the container.
To do so, you first run the following command and run colcon build inside docker shell.
# the following shell command let you enter docker container and cd to /home/ros2_ws
# inside docker container, build orbslam3 ros2 package
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-w" --symlink-install --packages-select orbslam3
Be aware that you only need to build package once since the entire ros2_ws directory is mounted to docker container.
- Start container and source the workspace.
# the following shell command let you enter docker container and cd to /home/ros2_ws
# then inside the container, source ros2 workspace
source install/setup.bash
- Run orbslam mode, which you want.
Currently, I modified stereo and stereo-inertial node.
First, start realsense node.
For example, to run realsense camera with stereo and imu streams,
ros2 launch realsense2_camera enable_infra1:=true enable_infra2:=true enable_accel:=true enable_gyro:=true unite_imu_method:=2 infra_width:=640 infra_height:=480 camera_name:=d455 camera_namespace:=d455
Stereo node:
ros2 launch orbslam3 stereo_d455.launch.yaml
Stereo-Inertial node:
ros2 launch orbslam3 stereo_inertial_d455.launch.yaml
: left image topic/camera/right
: right image topic
: left camera frame pose in ROS FLU map (first camera frame) coordinate/tracking_image
: tracked left image./tf
transform (need external odometry source)
: left image topic/camera/right
: right image topic/imu
: imu topic
: left camera frame pose in ROS FLU map (first camera frame) coordinate/tracking_image
: tracked left image./tf
transform (need external odometry source)
Note that the orbslam3 node publishes map to odom tf2.
But, you can also publish map to camera instead by commenting out the following and turning on the following.
The same goes to stereo-inertial node.
Currently, stereo-inertial node does not work properly.
I see IMU initialization takes a lot of time, and the pose sometimes jumps.
This might be because of wrong calibration configuration.
Please send PR if you know how to solve issues.