- b413674 fix unit tests
- 4e817b8 Add unit tests action
- 3f7ba46 Fix memory leak in E2E test
- 3b1bf20 memory profile the e2e and fix memory leak
- 30a1878 Move away from go test
- 91065a3 refactor and bump timeout
- d093f1c Reduce log statements
- 0608160 make test more correct
- 7ca79b3 actually have the action timeout be 1hr
- 6571987 Attempt at optimizing the full test suite
- a7f5d48 Attempt at optimizing the full test suite
- e512bda increase timeout to 1hr
- 9f9f83f reduce number of loops
- 205dba1 Add E2E tests
- 53b6e50 udpate README