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@jiangtian616 jiangtian616 released this 10 Sep 15:17
· 1479 commits to master since this release
  1. 修复V4.0重命名分组的bug
  1. Fix bug with rename group in V4.0


  1. 接入Material3重写全部UI,示意图可见新的README。此次更新改动较大,如出现bug请反馈或保留数据后回滚旧版本。
  2. 优化下载画廊和归档时选择分组的逻辑, PS: 重命名默认分组暂时有bug
  3. 桌面布局下现在支持手动调节左右栏的宽度比例,支持记忆窗口是否最大化
  4. 在搜索dialog里支持同时选择多个关键词,支持弹出搜索建议栏
  5. 支持在详情页长按下载按钮或归档按钮进入下载页面
  6. 详情页现在归档按钮会和归档下载状态同步
  7. 修复删除本地画廊没有同步列表的bug
  8. 修复重命名分组后排序错误的bug
  9. 修复归档下载的bug
  1. Rewrite UI with Material 3, you can check it in latest README. This update is a big change, if you encounter bugs please add an issue or rollback to old version(remenber to save download data)
  2. Refactor gallery group logic. PS: Now there's a bug with rename default group
  3. Support resizing the panels on desktop layout
  4. Support adding multiple keywords in search dialog, and add suggestions under search text field
  5. Now you can long press download button in details page to enter download page
  6. Now archive button in details page will indicate the download status of archive
  7. Fix bug with removing local gallery
  8. Fix bug with rename group
  9. Fix bug with downloadig archive