1663 commits
to master
since this release
This update is a big change, almost involed all the code, if you encounter bugs please add an issue or roll back to old version(remenber to save download data).
- 新增手机布局V2和平板布局V2,原手机布局和平板布局停止维护,可在设置-样式-布局模式进行切换 #10
- 部分页面新增返回到最上面的浮动按钮
- 修复账号密码登录失败后,第一次Cookie登录必定失败的bug
- 修复安卓系统连按两下返回键才能推出app的功能失效的bug
- 修复未登录情况下访问收藏页和关注页后的相关处理bug
- 重构桌面布局切换tab的底层逻辑,修复部分场景下切换tab后滚动偏移量出现误差的bug
- 重构BasePage,提取公用逻辑
- 重构搜索页面,提取公用逻辑
- New mobile layout and tablet layout, stop the maintenance of previous mobile layout and tablet layout. Switch it in Setting-Style-LayoutMode #10
- Add floating button for returning to the top in some pages
- Fix the bug about failure with login via cookie
- Fix the bug that the function of taping return button twice to exit app in Android is invalid.
- Fix the bug of entering favorite page and watched page after login
- Reconstruct the basic logic of switching tabs in desktop layout, and fix the bug with scrolling offset after switching tabs in some scenes.
- Refactor BasePage to extract the common logic.
- Refactored search page to extract the common logic.'