App to get the source code of your submissions with verdict Accepted
from Codeforces
# npm install -g get-submissions
$ get-submissions -h <handle> -c <count> -d <directory>
<handle>: Valid handle from
<count>: Searching for Accepted in the last N submissions, "infinite" by default
<directory>: The path for the directory where submissions will be saved, './' by default
// Gets all Accepted submissions and saves it in './' (current directory)
- get-submissions -h tourist
// Gets all Accepted submissions from the last 20 submissions and saves it in './'
- get-submissions -h tourist -c 20
// Gets all Accepted submissions and saves it in './codeforces' folder.
- get-submissions -h tourist -d codeforces
This could be take a while (depending of the amount of submissions).
The structure of folders is something like:
/Codeforces Beta Round #1/
/Codeforces Beta Round #16 (Div. 2 Only)
/ ...
Complete example: link
Example of code downloaded: (In the head of file is added a link for the problem) C.cpp
data.db: File to storage downloaded submissions
In index.js
there are two variables extension and comment, to add new language is necessary to add the extension of language and line for comment.
Example: how to add Ada language
Add in the final the pair key value for extension and comment respectively.
var extension = {'GNU C++': 'cpp', 'GNU C': 'c' ,'Java': 'java', 'Haskell': 'hs',
'Pascal':'p', 'Perl': 'pl', 'PHP': 'php', 'Python': 'py', 'JavaScript': 'js', 'Ada': 'adb'};
var comment = {'GNU C++': '//','GNU C': '//' ,'Java': '//', 'Haskell': '--',
'Pascal': '//', 'Perl': '#', 'PHP': '//', 'Python': '#', 'JavaScript': '//', 'Ada': '--'};