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Chartist.js for Ember-CLI Projects

Build Status

This is an ember-cli wrapper for Chartist. It allows you to render Chartist charts in your templates using components.

Chartist version in use.


In an existing ember-cli project. Install with:

npm install ember-cli-chartist --save-dev

In the template where you want the chart to appear:

{{chartist-chart data=model.chartData}}

The data attribute is the only required attribute. Its value should be an object. Check the Chartist docs for expected data structure.

Where does the data come from?

The data can be specified in an Ember route or controller. In the example above it's coming from the model which is defined in the route.


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function () {
    return {
      chartData: {
        labels: ['Day1', 'Day2', 'Day3'],
        series: [
          [5, 4, 8],
          [10, 2, 7],
          [8, 3, 6]

Chart types

There are three types of charts; line, bar, and pie. The default is line. You can change the chart type using the type attribute.


{{chartist-chart type="bar" data=model.chartData}}

Responsive scaling

Chartist charts scale up and down in size. They do so at specified ratios. You can change the ratio using the ratio attribute.


{{chartist-chart ratio="ct-golden-section" data=model.chartData}}

See Chartist docs for the full list of ratios and info on how to create your own.

Chart configuration

Chartist charts have a whole bunch of cool configuration options. You can pass those to the chartist-chart components with the options attribute. You'll need to create the options object in a similar way as you do for the data attribute object.


{{chartist-chart options=chartOptions data=model.chartData}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  chartOptions: {
    showArea: true,
    lineSmooth: false,

    axisX: {
      showGrid: false

See the Chartist docs for all available config options. There's bunch of good-uns!

Responsive config

You can also configure your charts based on media queries. The same configuration options are available, but you provide them via the responsiveOptions attribute. They can be used in tandem with standard options.

{{chartist-chart responsiveOptions=chartResOptions data=model.chartData}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  chartResOptions: [
    ['screen and (min-width: 640px)', {
      showArea: true,
      lineSmooth: false,

      axisX: {
        showLabel: false

Other configuration

There are other ways to configure chartist-chart components that are specific to the addon.

updateOnData: By default, when the data associated with a chartist-chart is changed, the chart will be updated to reflect the data. That can be turned off by setting updateOnData to false. Note: If you use this option, you will have to manually draw and redraw the chart using Chartist methods.

{{chartist-chart updateOnData=false}}

Custom CSS

By default, the compiled chartist.css will be included in your app's vendor.css. If you want to use custom CSS you can tell the addon to not include the compiled version

In your app's Brocfile.js:

var app = new EmberApp({
  'ember-cli-chartist': {
    'useCustomCSS': true

If you use custom CSS, you'll likely want to import the Chartist Scss into your app's scss, you will need to install ember-cli-sass. You can then import the Chartist scss with:

In app.scss

@import "chartist";

you can also import the Chartist settings scss:

@import "chartist-settings";

For more on custom styles see the Chartist docs

Extending chartist-chart

If you have needs that go beyond the standard component, or if you need to create a component of your own that uses ChartistChart as a base, you're in luck. Say you want to create a chart that shows Fish eaten over time. You don't want this chart tied to a specific controller, route, or model in your app. You can create a new component that extends chartist-chart like so:


import ChartistChart from './chartist-chart';

export default ChartistChart.extend({
  init: function () {
    getAsyncDataThatReturnsPromise().then(function (data) {
      this.set('data', data);


  ratio: 'ct-minor-seventh',
  options: {
    showPoint: false,
    axisY: {
      offset: 0,
      showGrid: true,
    axisX: {
      showGrid: false,

  responsiveOptions: [
    ['screen and (min-width: 640px)', {
      showPoint: true,
      axisY: {
        offset: 50,
        showLabel: true

With that, you can display the Fish chart in any template. For example,



Live examples

There is an example app included in this repo in /tests/dummy/. It contains examples of most of the functionality described above. To view those examples you'll need to clone this repo and start the Ember cli server.

git clone
cd ember-cli-chartist
ember serve

The example app will be running at http://localhost:4200


If you'd like to contribute to this project, that would be swell. Here are some details on doing that.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server