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for developing DBpedia Spotlight.

##Eclipse 3.8/4.2 (Juno) It is recommended that you use one of Juno packages. However, it is also possible to use an Indigo package aswell.

###Eclipse Download Download and install Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) at If you have questions about the supported Eclipse packages, read here:

###Download Scala IDE Download the Scala IDE for Scala 2.9.x here:

###Install Scala IDE To install the Scala IDE into Eclipse, click Help > Install New Software > Add. Set the name as "Scala IDE", set the path to the folder you downloaded in the previous step and click OK. Select and install all items. Restart Eclipse after the installation and run the Setup Diagnostics with recommended settings. Make sure the heap size is at least 1G. To run the Setup Diagnostics, click Scala > Run Setup Diagnostics. After that, click Window > Open Perspective > Other > Scala.

###Set up Maven Now the maven integration plug-ins must be installed. To do this, click Help > Install New Software > Add. Set the name as "Maven for Scala", set the path to and click OK. Select and install all items and restart Eclipse after installation. This ought to embed Maven 3 into Eclipse. However, if the version of the embedded Maven is different, you must download and install Maven 3 outside Eclipse, and set Eclipse to use it. This can be done by clicking Window > Preferences > Maven > Installations > Add.

##Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) As said before, it is recommended that you use one of Juno packages. There is also support for Indigo, though.

###Eclipse Download Download and install Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) at If you have questions about the supported Eclipse packages, read here:

###Download Scala IDE Download the Scala IDE for Scala 2.9.x here: Please note that the Scala IDE for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) is different from the one for Eclipse 3.8/4.2 (Juno)

###Install Scala IDE To install the Scala IDE into Eclipse, click Help > Install New Software > Add. Set the name as "Scala IDE", set the path to the folder you downloaded in the previous step and click OK. Select and install all items. Restart Eclipse after the installation and run the Setup Diagnostics with recommended settings. Make sure the heap size is at least 1G. To run the Setup Diagnostics, click Scala > Run Setup Diagnostics. After that, click Window > Open Perspective > Other > Scala.

###Set up Maven Integration for Eclipse A plug-in to integrate Maven with Eclipse must be installed. To do this, click Help > Install New Software and select Indigo at the "work with" field. Search for "maven integration for eclipse" and install the plug-in that will be shown. Restart Eclipse after installation. Then you must download and install Maven 3 (outside Eclipse), and click (inside Eclipse) Window > Preferences > Maven > Installations > Add. Here you must select the root directory of the Maven you downloaded and installed.

###Set up Maven Integration for Scala IDE The maven plug-in installed in the previous step does not support Scala. For this reason, another plug-in must be installed. To do this, click Help > Install New Software > Add. Set the name as Maven for Scala, set the path to and click OK. Select and install Maven Integration for Scala IDE and restart Eclipse after installation.

##Import and Build the Project (Both Eclipse Versions) To import and build Spotlight into Eclipse, follow these steps:

Import the Project

After downloading Spotlight's source code, the project must be imported into Eclipse. This can be done by clicking File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects, and by selecting the Spotlight project's root directory. This should load the whole project.

Build the Project

To build the project, right-click the 'spotlight' package, and click Run As > Maven Install. It should resolve all Maven dependencies. In case it does not, the project ought to be built with Maven, outside Eclipse. More about building the project and running the server with Maven here:

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