This is a fund-raising project for the people who needs to collect funds for various purposes. This is a donation-based web platform where a person can create a campaign and other people can donate/back to that campaign. Backers are those who donate/back a campaign. As this is a donation-based project, Backers will not get any reward from the campaign-creator.
- Sign up, Login
- Forget password
- Create a campaign
- Show running campaigns
- View details of a campaign
- Back a campaign
- Full story, FAQ of a campaign
- Comment section of a campaign
- List of Backers of a campaign
- Explore Campaigns based on category
- Tag-based search option
- Show progress of a campaign
- Show created campaigns of a user
- Show Backed campaigns of a user
- User Profile
- Campaign creator (who creates a campaign)
- Backer (who donate/back to a campaign)
- Guest user (Unregistered user)
At first user needs to sign up to our web platform except guest user. Campaign creators need to fill the forms with required informations for creating a campaign. Every campaign will have a fixed duration and a goal amount. Backers can back the campaign within the fixed duration. All registered users will have a profile. They can view their created and backed campaigns. Campaign's progress will be shown by a progressbar that indicates how much money has been raised. Every campaign will have a story section that provides the details of that campaign, a FAQ section that provides the frquently asked questions of that campaign, a comment section where registered users can comment and a Backers list section that shows the list of people who have donated/backed on that campaign. All campaigns will be organized according to their category. We have 3 main categories. They are Teck & Innovation, Creative works and Community projects. Users can explore the campaigns according to these categories. Also we provide a tag-based search option by which user can search for a campaign according to their tags.