Makes your Cordova application use the Tencent X5 WebView(TBS) instead of the System WebView. Requires cordova-android 4.0 or greater.
WebView doesn't change depending on Android version Capabilities: such as WebRTC, WebAudio, Web Components Performance improvements (compared to older system webviews)
Increased APK size (about 300KB)
The following directions are for cordova-cli (most people). Alternatively you can use the Android platform scripts workflow.
Open an existing cordova project, with cordova-android 4.0.0+, and using the latest CLI. X5 variables can be configured as an option when installing the plugin
Add this plugin
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x5-webview
$ cordova build android
The build script will automatically fetch the X5 WebView libraries from X5 project download site ( and build for both X86 and ARM architectures.