WarehouseAPI is an ASP.NET Core API for warehouses. It is usable user, product and order management.
The web API and database are hosted on an azure app service and database server with sql. You can access the api with the following url: https://warehouseapi20200528053515.azurewebsites.net All requests are authorized and rely on a google authorization token.
The users can be sorted on name and firstName in direction asc or desc.
GET /api/v1/user
GET /api/v1/user/#
GET /api/v1/user?name=""&firstName=""&email=""&address=""&tel=""&sort=""&page=#&length=#dir=""
DELETE /api/v1/user/#
PUT /api/v1/user
POST /api/v1/user
The products can be sorted on name, number and location in direction asc or desc.
GET /api/v1/product
GET /api/v1/product/#
GET /api/v1/product?name=""&number=""&location=""&sort=""&page=#&length=#dir=""
DELETE /api/v1/product/#
PUT /api/v1/product
POST /api/v1/product
The orders can be sorted on date in direction asc or desc.
GET /api/v1/order
GET /api/v1/order/#
GET /api/v1/order?date=""&sort=""&page=#&length=#dir=""
DELETE /api/v1/order/#
PUT /api/v1/order
POST /api/v1/order
The database structure consists of a usertable with a one to many relation to orders. And two tables for orders and products in many to many relation joined with a join table.
The client is an implementation on how the api could be used. It consists of a dashboard where an admin can view, edit, add all users, products and orders. The client is secuired with google oAuth. There is also a third party API wich lets the admin check if a user has a valid email address in the client. https://mailboxlayer.com/documentation
The client is written in Angular can can be insalled with following commands.
$ npm install
$ npm run