1684 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
π New features and improvements
- Add dockerhub-notification to managed set (#2595) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump active-directory from 2.33 to 2.34 (#2607) @dependabot
- Bump credentials from 1293.vff276f713473 to 1307.v3757c78f17c3 (#2611, #2617, #2619) @dependabot
- Bump credentials-binding from 636.v55f1275c7b_27 to 642.v737c34dea_6c2 (#2604) @dependabot
- Bump github from 1.37.3 to (#2606) @dependabot
- Bump jaxb from 2.3.8-1 to 2.3.9-1 (#2597) @dependabot
- Bump jersey2-api from 2.40-1 to 2.41-133.va_03323b_a_1396 (#2598) @dependabot
- Bump kubernetes from 4054.v2da_8e2794884 to 4110.v2d7ceb_d59c53 (#2602) @dependabot
- Bump ldap from 701.vf8619de9160a_ to 711.vb_d1a_491714dc (#2609) @dependabot
- Bump mina-sshd-api from 2.10.0-69.v28e3e36d18eb_ to 2.11.0-86.v836f585d47fa_ (#2600) @dependabot
- Bump node-iterator-api from 49.v58a_8b_35f8363 to 55.v3b_77d4032326 (#2596) @dependabot
- Bump pipeline-build-step from 505.v5f0844d8d126 to 516.v8ee60a_81c5b_9 (#2615) @dependabot
- Bump pipeline-model-definition-plugin from 2.2144.v077a_d1928a_40 to 2.2150.v4cfd8916915c (#2620) @dependabot
- Bump pubsub-light from 1.17 to 1.18 (#2603) @dependabot
- Bump support-core from 1356.vd0f980edfa_46 to 1362.vf5fe14238165 (#2616) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-cps from 3802.vd42b_fcf00b_a_c to 3806.va_3a_6988277b_2 (#2601, #2610, #2614) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-job from 1348.v32a_a_f150910e to 1360.vc6700e3136f5 (#2599) @dependabot
- Update dependency jenkins-war to v2.429 (#2605) @renovate
- Update dependency plugins-compat-tester-cli to v1389 (#2612) @renovate