1849 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
π New features and improvements
- Add Active Directory, JUnit Realtime Test Reporter, Node Iterator API, and View Job Filters to the managed set (#2422) @basil
π Bug fixes
π· Changes for plugin developers
- Depend on 2.414.1 rather than 2.414 (#2408) @MarkEWaite
β Other changes
- Link to "Choosing a Jenkins version" docs (#2426) @MarkEWaite
π¦ Dependency updates
- Bump apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api from 4.5.14-150.v7a_b_9d17134a_5 to 4.5.14-208.v438351942757 in /bom-weekly (#2425) @dependabot
- Bump copyartifact from 714.v28a_34f8c563f to 722.v0662a_9b_e22a_c in /bom-weekly (#2423) @dependabot
- Bump dark-theme from 354.vc5571c718b_dc to 359.vb_d6175e5f6f9 in /bom-weekly (#2398, #2401) @dependabot
- Bump declarative-pipeline-migration-assistant-plugin from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 in /bom-weekly (#2413) @dependabot
- Bump jenkins from 2.419 to 2.420 for bom-weekly (#2406) @github-actions
- Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.10 to 3.2 in /bom-weekly (#2405) @dependabot
- Bump role-strategy from 680.v3a_6a_1698b_864 to 689.v731678c3e0eb_ in /bom-weekly (#2409) @dependabot
- Bump script-security from 1269.v639888f5e366 to 1273.v66c1964f0dfd in /bom-weekly (#2396, #2410) @dependabot
- Bump theme-manager from 193.vcef22f6c5f2b_ to 211.vef2a_42c645a_b_ in /bom-weekly (#2397, #2403) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-api-plugin from 1259.vb_47f14fffc8a_ to 1261.va_2ff5204f17e in /bom-weekly (#2424) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-cps-plugin from 3769.v8b_e595e4d40d to 3773.v505e0052522c in /bom-weekly (#2427) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-durable-task-step from 1284.v4fcd365b_75b_e to 1289.v4d3e7b_01546b_ in /bom-weekly (#2414) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-job-plugin from 1339.v7ede8a_29ed06 to 1341.vd9fa_65f771dd in /bom-weekly (#2400) @dependabot