1915 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- Add
to the managed set (#2340) @MarkEWaite
📦 Dependency updates
33 changes
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:role-strategy from 670.vc71a_a_c00039e to 675.va_5f27678f6d6 in /bom-weekly (#2338) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:dashboard-view from 2.487.vcf0ff9008a_c0 to 2.495.v07e81500c3f2 in /bom-weekly (#2342) @dependabot
- Bump com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github:github from 1.37.1 to 1.37.2 in /bom-weekly (#2339) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:metrics from 4.2.18-439.v86a_20b_a_8318b_ to 4.2.18-442.v02e107157925 in /bom-weekly (#2337) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 789.v57a_725b_63c79 to 802.v8013b_40c7edc in /bom-weekly (#2330) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jdk-tool from 66.vd8fa_64ee91b_d to 73.vddf737284550 in /bom-weekly (#2328) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:antisamy-markup-formatter from 159.v25b_c67cd35fb_ to 162.v0e6ec0fcfcf6 in /bom-weekly (#2327) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:htmlpublisher from 1.31 to 1.32 in /bom-weekly (#2336) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mailer from 457.v3f72cb_e015e5 to 463.vedf8358e006b_ in /bom-weekly (#2331) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:github-branch-source from 1728.v859147241f49 to 1730.vff97c8a_1f804 in /bom-weekly (#2329) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:command-launcher from 100.v2f6722292ee8 to 106.vb_a_b_8f751309c in /bom-weekly (#2335) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:display-url-api from 2.3.7 to 2.3.8 in /bom-weekly (#2334) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-input-step from 468.va_5db_051498a_4 to 477.v339683a_8d55e in /bom-weekly (#2333) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-groovy-lib from 656.va_a_ceeb_6ffb_f7 to 671.v07c339c842e8 in /bom-weekly (#2332) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ssh-credentials from 305.v8f4381501156 to 308.ve4497b_ccd8f4 in /bom-weekly (#2326) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-basic-steps from 1017.vb_45b_302f0cea_ to 1042.ve7b_140c4a_e0c in /bom-weekly (#2325) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.modules:sshd from 3.303.vefc7119b_ec23 to 3.312.v1c601b_c83b_0e in /bom-weekly (#2324) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1251.vfe552ed55f8d to 1264.vecf66020eb_7d in /bom-weekly (#2323) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:copyartifact from 705.v5295cffec284 to 714.v28a_34f8c563f in /bom-weekly (#2319) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:javadoc from 233.vdc1a_ec702cff to 243.vb_b_503b_b_45537 in /bom-weekly (#2322) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ssh-slaves from 2.877.v365f5eb_a_b_eec to 2.916.vd17b_43357ce4 in /bom-weekly (#2320) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:file-parameters from 285.287.v4b_7b_29d3469d to 310.v239ece6dc142 in /bom-weekly (#2321) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:saml from 4.418.vdfa_7489a_b_a_2d to 4.429.v9a_781a_61f1da_ in /bom-weekly (#2318) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:text-finder from 1.24 to 1.25 in /bom-weekly (#2317) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:resource-disposer from 0.22 to 0.23 in /bom-weekly (#2315) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1330.v305a_08ca_979b_ to 1340.v9c6c9398c75e in /bom-weekly (#2316) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:timestamper from 1.25 to 1.26 in /bom-weekly (#2313) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-cps-plugin.version from 3728.vd5c88eef9154 to 3731.ve4b_5b_857b_a_d3 in /bom-weekly (#2312) @dependabot
- Bump jenkins.version from 2.416 to 2.417 for bom-weekly (#2311) @github-actions
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1328.vb_4e66d4d525c to 1330.v305a_08ca_979b_ in /bom-weekly (#2310) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-cps-plugin.version from 3726.v83f8cff396c9 to 3728.vd5c88eef9154 in /bom-weekly (#2309) @dependabot
- Bump org.6wind.jenkins:lockable-resources from 1172.v4b_8fc8eed570 to 1184.va_6f2fc274b_e4 in /bom-weekly (#2305) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-durable-task-step from 1275.vb_30a_a_ca_96879 to 1278.v94b_dc2b_50c6f in /bom-weekly (#2306) @dependabot