2125 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
π New features and improvements
- Init 2.401.1 (#2071) @NotMyFault
π· Changes for plugin developers
π» Maintenance
π¦ Dependency updates
19 changes
- Bump copyartifact from 702.va_c09cb_6e51cf to 705.v5295cffec284 in /bom-weekly (#2094) @dependabot
- Bump forensics-api.version from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 in /bom-weekly (#2087) @dependabot
- Bump data-tables-api.version from 1.13.3-3 to 1.13.3-4 in /bom-weekly (#2090) @dependabot
- Bump copyartifact from 698.v393f578eb_ddc to 702.va_c09cb_6e51cf in /bom-weekly (#2091) @dependabot
- Bump bootstrap5-api from 5.2.2-3 to 5.2.2-4 in /bom-weekly (#2088) @dependabot
- Bump jquery3-api from 3.6.4-1 to 3.7.0-1 in /bom-weekly (#2086) @dependabot
- Bump echarts-api from 5.4.0-3 to 5.4.0-4 in /bom-weekly (#2089) @dependabot
- Upgrade
from 3.275.v9e17c10f2571 to 3.303.vefc7119b_ec23 (#2085) @basil - Bump github from 1.37.0 to 1.37.1 in /bom-weekly (#2084) @dependabot
- Bump ldap from 676.vfa_64cf6b_b_002 to 682.v7b_544c9d1512 in /bom-weekly (#2082) @dependabot
- Bump scm-api-plugin.version from 667.v8b_6e07cdc7f2 to 672.v64378a_b_20c60 in /bom-weekly (#2081) @dependabot
- Bump jackson2-api from 2.15.0-334.v317a_165f9b_7c to 2.15.1-344.v6eb_55303dc3e in /bom-weekly (#2079) @dependabot
- Bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.9.2-62.v199162f0a_2f8 to 2.10.0-69.v28e3e36d18eb_ in /bom-weekly (#2075) @dependabot
- Bump branch-api from 2.1071.v1a_188a_562481 to 2.1092.vda_3c2a_a_f0c11 in /bom-weekly (#2078) @dependabot
- Bump durable-task from 506.v1b_3e14b_6f5da_ to 507.v050055d0cb_dd in /bom-weekly (#2077) @dependabot
- Bump email-ext from 2.96.1 to 2.97 in /bom-weekly (#2076) @dependabot
- Bump jenkins.version from 2.404 to 2.405 for bom-weekly (#2074) @github-actions
- Update versions for fixes released in 2023-05-16 security advisory (#2073) @daniel-beck
- Bump github-api from 1.303-417.ve35d9dd78549 to 1.314-431.v78d72a_3fe4c3 in /bom-weekly (#2072) @dependabot