2227 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- Bump gitlab-api from 5.1.0-84.v491924123a_f7 to 5.2.0-86.v1ed41a_9cf486 in /bom-weekly (#1962) @dependabot
👻 Maintenance
- Avoid large stashes (#1955) @jglick
- Use
(#1956) @basil - chore(Jenkinsfile) only keep the past 7 builds (#1945) @dduportal
📦 Dependency updates
16 changes
- Bump gitlab-api from 5.1.0-84.v491924123a_f7 to 5.2.0-86.v1ed41a_9cf486 in /bom-weekly (#1962) @dependabot
- Bump lockable-resources from 1131.vb_7c3d377e723 to 1141.v7c5f8f31d2ee in /bom-weekly (#1953) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-durable-task-step from 1241.v1a_63e465f943 to 1244.vee71f675dee6 in /bom-weekly (#1965) @dependabot
- Bump credentials-binding from 523.vd859a_4b_122e6 to 604.vb_64480b_c56ca_ in /bom-weekly (#1960) @dependabot
- Bump plugin-compat-tester version to 1307.veb_32a_fef160e (#1958) @github-actions
- Bump pipeline-groovy-lib from 629.vb_5627b_ee2104 to 656.va_a_ceeb_6ffb_f7 in /bom-weekly (#1957) @dependabot
- Bump resource-disposer from 0.21 to 0.22 in /bom-weekly (#1951) @dependabot
- Bump timestamper from 1.23 to 1.24 in /bom-weekly (#1949) @dependabot
- Bump email-ext from 2.95 to 2.96 in /bom-weekly (#1952) @dependabot
- Bump throttle-concurrents from 2.12 to 2.13 in /bom-weekly (#1950) @dependabot
- Bump ws-cleanup from 0.44 to 0.45 in /bom-weekly (#1954) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.58 to 4.59 in /sample-plugin (#1948) @dependabot
- Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.35.0 to 2.36.0 in /bom-weekly (#1947) @dependabot
- Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.35.0 to 2.36.0 in /sample-plugin (#1946) @dependabot
- Bump pipeline-build-step from 487.va_823138eee8b_ to 488.v8993df156e8d in /bom-weekly (#1944) @dependabot
- Bump jenkins.version from 2.397 to 2.399 for bom-weekly (#1942) @github-actions