2688 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- Bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.8.0-21.v493b_6b_db_22c6 to 2.8.0-36.v8e25ce90d4b_1 in /bom-weekly (#1332) @dependabot
👻 Maintenance
- use pr title for auto merge (#1328) @jetersen
- skip dependencies for weekly and support property expansion for version (#1324) @jetersen
- generate separete updatecli pipeline for each (#1315) @jetersen
- Remember to output change for updatecli (#1313) @jetersen
- remove dry run check (#1312) @jetersen
- generate updatecli manifests (#1309) @jetersen
📦 Dependency updates
23 changes
- Bump variant from 1.4 to 59.vf075fe829ccb in /bom-weekly (#1330) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.43.1 to 4.44 in /sample-plugin (#1331) @dependabot
- Bump metrics from to 4.2.10-389.v93143621b_050 in /bom-weekly (#1333) @dependabot
- Bump metrics from to in /bom-2.319.x (#1329) @github-actions
- Bump gitlab-branch-source from 630.v04ca_c57fa_880 to 633.ved9984f943da_ in /bom-weekly (#1322) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-job-plugin.version from 1229.vb_7c2419a_b_558 to 1232.v5a_4c994312f1 in /bom-weekly (#1326) @dependabot
- Bump ssh-credentials from 291.v8211e4f8efb_c to 295.vced876c18eb_4 in /bom-weekly (#1327) @dependabot
- Bump token-macro from 293.v283932a_0a_b_49 to 308.v4f2b_ed62b_b_16 in /bom-weekly (#1319) @dependabot
- Bump gitlab-api from 5.0.1-72.vb_8c272862e86 to 5.0.1-78.v47a_45b_9f78b_7 in /bom-weekly (#1318) @dependabot
- Bump ssh-credentials from 277.v95c2fec1c047 to 277.280.v1e86b_7d0056b_ in /bom-2.332.x (#1325) @github-actions
- Bump workflow-job-plugin.version from 1226.v44f718dcfe1f to 1229.vb_7c2419a_b_558 in /bom-weekly (#1323) @dependabot
- Bump ansicolor from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /bom-weekly (#1320) @dependabot
- Bump junit from 1.54.1 to 1.54.2 in /bom-2.319.x (#1317) @github-actions
- Bump email-ext from 2.89 to 2.89.1 in /bom-2.319.x (#1316) @github-actions
- Bump dashboard-view from 2.432.va_712ce35862d to 2.447.vda_124dd35f11 in /bom-weekly (#1310) @dependabot
- Bump saml from 2.298.vc7a_2b_3958628 to 2.333.vc81e525974a_c in /bom-weekly (#1306) @dependabot
- Bump scm-api-plugin.version from 608.vfa_f971c5a_a_e9 to 616.ve67136f6c77d in /bom-weekly (#1300) @dependabot
- Bump pipeline-groovy-lib from 593.va_a_fc25d520e9 to 598.vcd66b_a_336510 in /bom-weekly (#1307) @dependabot
- Bump lockable-resources from 2.15 to 2.16 in /bom-weekly (#1305) @dependabot
- Bump support-core from 1201.v8d1f54a_6ec7c to 1204.v7ee88742a_53f in /bom-weekly (#1304) @dependabot
- Bump email-ext from 2.90 to 2.91 in /bom-weekly (#1302) @dependabot
- JENKINS-49707 - Bumps related to
(#1298) @jglick - Bump pinned plugins (#1308) @github-actions