3032 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
🚀 New features and improvements
- Test against new LTS 2.332.1 (#927) @cathychan
📦 Dependency updates
- Test against new LTS 2.332.1 (#927) @cathychan
- Bump matrix-project from 1.20 to 758.v7a_ea_491852f3 in /bom-weekly (#926) @dependabot
- Bump junit from 1.55 to 1.56 in /bom-weekly (#924) @dependabot
- Bump ssh-slaves from 1.33.1-805.vb_a_0d6a_21f322 to 1.806.v2253cedd3295 in /bom-weekly (#920) @dependabot
- Bump saml from 2.1.1-275.va_5718591a_999 to 2.291.vd3f2cd6d1c3e in /bom-weekly (#919) @dependabot
- Bump support-core from 1124.vb_16439f088b_4 to 1130.vb_eef6015fc37 in /bom-weekly (#922) @dependabot
- Bump junit-attachments from 1.7 to 92.v46b_185115f82 in /bom-weekly (#921) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-basic-steps from 937.v7a_b_7579e07a_3 to 941.vdfe1b_a_132c64 in /bom-weekly (#917) @dependabot
- Bump pipeline-stage-view-plugin.version from 2.22 to 2.23 in /bom-weekly (#915) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-cps-plugin.version from 2659.v52d3de6044d0 to 2660.vb_c0412dc4e6d in /bom-weekly (#916) @dependabot
- Bump ssh-slaves from 1.33.0 to 1.33.1-805.vb_a_0d6a_21f322 in /bom-weekly (#914) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-support-plugin.version from 813.vb_d7c3d2984a_0 to 815.vd60466279fc8 in /bom-weekly (#912) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-job-plugin.version from 1167.v8fe861b_09ef9 to 1174.vdcb_d054cf74a_ in /bom-weekly (#911) @dependabot
- Bump support-core from 2.81 to 1124.vb_16439f088b_4 in /bom-weekly (#910) @dependabot