3110 commits
to master
since this release
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump git-plugin.version from 4.10.2 to 4.10.3 in /bom-weekly (#845) @dependabot
- Bump pipeline-input-step from 427.va6441fa17010 to 446.vf27b_0b_83500e in /bom-weekly (#846) @dependabot
- Bump credentials-binding from 1.27 to 1.27.1 in /bom-weekly (#838) @dependabot
- Bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1.55 to 1.55.1 in /bom-weekly (#837) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-durable-task-step from 1112.vda00e6febcc1 to 1121.va_65b_d2701486 in /bom-weekly (#844) @dependabot
- Bump mailer from 391.ve4a_38c1b_cf4b_ to 408.vd726a_1130320 in /bom-weekly (#839) @dependabot
- Bump matrix-project from 1.19 to 1.20 in /bom-weekly (#836) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-api-plugin.version from 1108.v57edf648f5d4 to 1122.v7a_916f363c86 in /bom-weekly (#841) @dependabot
- Bump subversion-plugin.version from 2.15.1 to 2.15.2 in /bom-weekly (#843) @dependabot
- Bump git-plugin.version from 4.10.1 to 4.10.2 in /bom-weekly (#842) @dependabot
- [updatecli] Update weekly version (#840) @github-actions
- Bump workflow-support-plugin.version from 804.vba10a18a1476 to 813.vb_d7c3d2984a_0 in /bom-weekly (#835) @dependabot
- [updatecli] Update weekly version (#834) @github-actions
- Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.6 to 2.7 in /bom-weekly (#833) @dependabot
- Bump workflow-multibranch-plugin.version from 704.v8f039a_e2e8cf to 706.vd43c65dec013 in /bom-weekly (#832) @dependabot
- Bump rebuild from 1.32 to 1.33 in /bom-weekly (#831) @dependabot
- Bump http_request from 1.12 to 1.13 in /bom-weekly (#827) @dependabot
- Bump timestamper from 1.15 to 1.16 in /bom-weekly (#829) @dependabot
- Bump text-finder from 1.17 to 1.18 in /bom-weekly (#828) @dependabot
- Bump gitlab-oauth from 1.12 to 1.13 in /bom-weekly (#830) @dependabot
- Bump credentials from 1061.vb_1fceb_58fa_18 to 1074.v60e6c29b_b_44b_ in /bom-weekly (#826) @dependabot
- Bump scm-api-plugin.version from 2.6.5 to 595.vd5a_df5eb_0e39 in /bom-weekly (#823) @dependabot
- Bump script-security from 1118.vba21ca2e3286 to 1131.v8b_b_5eda_c328e in /bom-weekly (#824) @dependabot
- Update
now passes (#822) @jglick - Bump jersey2-api from 2.35-1 to 2.35-3 in /bom-weekly (#820) @dependabot