Create a module with CRUD (Create, read, update and delete) operation with list pagination, proper routing and validation. Preferred to be seen in the form of webservice, with a base API to operate all the options. Looking for POC (proof of concept).
- Write a restful api that allows CRUD access to a single resource with validation for POST/PUT requests.
- Allow filtering of result set based on pagination values (ie grab page X or result set with Y items/page).
- Front-end application to display information
- Preferred framework: Laravel
Clone the repository to your directory and open a command window
git clone [email protected]:jelled/test.crud.laravel.git
Update any required packages
composer update
Add your database credentials to
Setup the tables
php artisan migrate
Seed the tables
php artisan db:seed
Fire up laravel's built in server
php artisan serve
And open your browser to
Get Paginated Results
Get Single Result
GET http://localhost:8000/players/:id
Create a new record
POST http://localhost:8000/players
Delete a record
DELETE http://localhost:8000/players/:id
Update a record
PUT http://localhost:8000/players/:id