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Uncaught Fault Alert Service Implementation

This project contains Informatica IICS CAI Fault alert Service Implementation and Secure Agents Status Monitoring service Implementation. Provided Fault Service allows to apply declarative Alert Rules and flexible framework to use any of the built-in or custom Actions

UncaughtFaultAlertHandler Process


Fault Alert Email Example

Agent Monitor Alert Process

Agent Status Alert Warning


  • Declarative extensible configuration providers (currently supports github gist, http(s) get, local file)
  • Declarative rules to route message to specific actions with flexibility to add custom actions (event triggers via JMS, AWS SQS, Kafka)
  • Declarative Actions currently supported
    • ignore
    • alert-email
  • Ability to Save/read configuration in xml on simple http get provider or github gist or similar snippet storage
  • Other configuration storage and action providers should be possible to develop via ICAI Service Connectors
  • Guide based configuration manager


The Alert Service is available for processes that run on a Secure Agent or the Cloud Server. Alert Service provides a mechanism to send alert notifications via built-in email notification service or define custom Alert Handler Process.

This project is also a good example how to maintain, build and deploy Informatica IICS project with automation and version control and help of IICS Asset Management CLI V2 Utility

See Alert Service Documentation See IICS Asset Management CLI V2 Utility



It is highly recommend to use the build from source as it allows you to change certain attributes of service deployment such as target Secure agent group, etc. To build and install from source, you'll need a following set of tools

  • git client installed on your system
  • Java 1.8 or higher installed on the System
  • Apache Ant 1.9 or higher installed on the system or use Informatica Process Developer which includes Ant runtime
  • Informatica Process Developer

You can follow this guide Set Development Environment for IPD Development to setup your environment

See Guide to Install Process Developer

In Order to Setup this Service after Deployment of assets Storage providers all provided Storage provider Connectors and Connections must be configured. You can Select One of the Supported providers (GitHub, GitLab) And configure it with corresponding access token. The other unused providers must be still published, but can be published with empty credentials. Follow the below steps for setting Storage Provider Accounts

Setup GitHub Gist Account and Access Token

Make sure your secure agents can access the GitHub API to store and retrieve the Alert Service configuration file.

This Alert Service Implementation can use Github Gist (both Cloud and On premise Github Enterprise Edition) as a storage for its configuration It is recommended to use private gist to store this configuration, you will need to create Security token to access private gists via API

  1. Login to Github with an account that would be owner of the configurations (this should be likely service Account or account managed by IT Infrastructure administrators)

  2. Go to Account Settings/Developer Settings/Personal access tokens

  3. Create new token and give it descriptive name such as IICS-Configuration-Gist-Access

  4. Select only gist permission


  5. Capture generated token and save it in a save location for later use in the Service Connector configuration after Deployment of the IICS package


Setup GitLab Account and Access Token

Make sure your secure agents can access the GitLab API to store and retrieve the Alert Service configuration file.

This Alert Service Implementation can use Cloud Hosted or on-premise GitLab as a storage for its configuration It is recommended to use private snippets to store this configuration, you will need to create Security token to access private Assets via API

  1. Login to GitLab with an account that would be owner of the configurations (this should be likely service Account or account managed by IT Infrastructure administrators)

  2. Go to Account Settings/Access Tokens

  3. Create new token and give it descriptive name such as IICS-Configuration-API-Access

  4. Optionally set expiration date

  5. Select api access permission

    Personal Access Tokens

  6. Capture generated Token and use it to configure GitLab Service Connector

Build and Install the Package

Fork and clone this repository

Following is a clone command example, use your own repository url if you have forked this repository.

git clone [email protected]:jbrazda/icai-fault-alert-service.git

Inspect and adjust Main configuration file

Main configuration file defines key modules locations and enables/disables supporting Tools maintained externally as a dependency.

Example main Configuration file (

# lib path

#IICS Asset Management CLI
# See

## - OS Specific URL

## URLs to Download IICS Migration and Reporting Tools Modules${}${}

## Directories for IICS Tools Module Installations${tools.lib}/reporting${tools.lib}/transform

## Defines directory used for Downloads${user.home}/Downloads

## IICS Script tool Modules


#Disable Use of Individual Modules

## Configure your IICS org region. For example, us, eu, ap


# these properties are for future use (not used at this time)

Configure credentials file

Example file is listed below. recommended location is your home directory/iics ~/iics/ as it will contain sensitive information. I would also recommend to create Native IICS Service user in each of your orgs that can be used to export/import resources via IICS REST API using the IICS Asset Management CLI This tool will automatically download latest version an use it to import provided service to your target org

# This file should contain properties for Each environment
# defined in the associated release properties file property iics.environment.list
# DEV Environment Credentials[email protected]

# TEST Environment Credentials
iics.user.test[email protected]

# PROD Environment Credentials[email protected]

WARNING Never put these properties into the project folder and keep this property file in a secure location ideally ~/iics/ The ~/iics folder should be accessible only by user running the import/export/publish tasks (use '700' permission on unix systems)

Update existing or copy conf/ file which defines a key Environment specific parameters

# define a comma separated list of environment org labels such as
# dev,test,uat,prod

# This property points to file which contains credentials to login to individual environments
# and other environment Specific properties
# we recommend to use ${user.home}/iics protected directory
# never commit this file to version control with this project as it contains credentials to your IICS Orgs
# the must contain set of properties
# following this naming convention for each environment defined in the iics.environment.list
# iics.user.${environment}=
# iics.password.${environment}=

# this query is used by iics list command to retrieve available sources from repository
# to extract the designs from IICS
# see
iics.query=-q "location==Alerting"

# Defines the output file for the list command
# the output location will be driven by the following expression
# ${basedir}/target/${selected.release.basename}/export/${iics.source.environment}/${iics.list.output}

# Defines the output file name for iics export command
# the output location will be driven by the
# ${basedir}/target/${selected.release.basename}/export/${iics.source.environment}/${iics.export.output}

# Defines Output File name without extension
# the package.src will produce file in the location based on following expression
# ${iics.package.output}_${iics.release.basename}_${}.zip

# Defines Extract output directory for iics extract command

# Defines transform directory used to copy sources from iics.extract.dir to allow pre-processing and source transformations before package.src target is called
# Defines temporary folder used by transformation pre-processing steps such as set suspend on fault

Transformation Properties

Often some on-the-fly Design transformations may be desired to simplify deployment steps and automate some migration changes to deployed designs These include following types of changes

  • Migrate process from Cloud to specific Secure Agent or Agent Group
  • Migrate process from Agent to Cloud
  • Set Process Tracing levels
  • Set Process Suspend on Fault

This set of build scripts contains optional Scripts Module Which contains set of xslt scripts which can be applied to selected designs before packaging and deployment/import to target org This module is maintained in a separate github project icai-migration-tools Script will automatically download migration tools and run the transformations steps.

When you want to use this optional step of build and deployment you will need to specify which configures which transformation steps will be executed on specified design objects

Example Transformation Properties File

# MOVE Process to Cloud
# ---------------------
# Set this property to Enable/Disable Transform Step
# use this property to include specific processes or use Ant pattern expressions.
# migrate.processObjects.enabled=true is set*.PROCESS.xml
# you can exclude specified files from tar*-1.PROCESS.xml

# MOVE Processes to Agent
# -----------------------
# Set this property to Enable/Disable Transform Step
# specify target Agent Name or Agent Group Name to Migrate to
# Use this property to include specific processes or use Ant pattern expressions.
# This property is required when migrate.processObjects.enabled=true is set
# you can exclude specified files from migration**/SCH-*.PROCESS.xml

# SET Process Tracing Levels
# -----------------------
# Set this property to Enable/Disable Transform Step

# List of tracing levels to be processed
# this is an example to process all levels when you want to set levels on any selected processes
# ipd.migrate.processes.tracingLevelUpdate.levels=none,terse,normal,verbose
# note that each supported tracing level must have incudes/excludes defined
# Following example setting will set  all processes tracing level to None

# Includes Excludes for each level
# Use this property to include specific processes to get their Logging levels updated
# Use relative path reference starting from $basedir or use Ant pattern expressions.
# This property is required when migrate.processObjects.enabled=true is set





# SET Process Suspend On fault
# -----------------------
# Set this property to Enable/Disable Transform Step

#includes/excludes for processes to enable suspendOnFault

#includes/excludes for processes to disable suspendOnFault

#remove Specific tags based on pattern

Main Ant Script Properties

Ant Build Script

This tool uses ant to build/ download and deploy IICS package Following is a list of available targets which you can retrieve by running ant -projecthelp in the root of this repository

ant -projecthelp
Buildfile: /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/build.xml

            IICS CAI Component Build Script

Main targets:

 clean.release  Deletes Export/import temporary files in ${basedir}/target/${iics.release.basename}
 download.src   Downloads Designs From Source Environment Org using iics Export utility
 help           help - describes how to use this script
 import         Imports package for a select Environment and Package Configuration
 package.src    Builds Package for specified target environment from ${basedir}/src/ipd
 publish        Publishes Objects Defined in the Configuration Files
 update.src     Updates design sources directory for a Source Environment Org using iics Export/Extract utility
Default target: help

Build Package From Source

In Process Developer

Open new empty Eclipse Workspace in {USER_HOME}/workspace/icai-fault-alert-service Switch to Process Developer Perspective


Import Cloned repository project as an existing project (assuming you cloned the project to your {USER_HOME}/git folder)


Select Your Exported Git Repo root folder and finish import


Open the Ant View using Window > Show View > Other

Open Ant View

Reposition Ant View to a tab below Project Explorer and drag build.xml to Ant runner View


Run The package.src Target, Select the Release configuration from conf directory and Confirm


Select target Environment


Select Package Configuration. This step allows to select configuration file that drives what's included/excluded in the target deployment package. Use the all_designs.package.txt for initial import only (it includes connections and connectors) Use the all_exclude_connections.package.txt for Subsequent builds and updates (it excludes connections and connectors)


Script will generate Package using an iics tool downloaded from GitHub into a folder defined by following expression ${iics.package.output}_${iics.release.basename}_${}.zip

Import package using an import target of ant script

Publish imported resources using a publish target of ant script

Example package.src Script output

Buildfile: /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/build.xml
     [echo] ========================================
     [echo] ==        IPD Bundle Build            ==
     [echo] ========================================
     [echo] Java Version:    1.8.0_162-b12
     [echo] Java Home:       /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_162.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
     [echo] Ant Version:     Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.4 compiled on May 22 2012
     [echo] Ant Lib:         /Applications/eclipse_kepler/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.8.4.v201303080030/lib
     [echo] eclipse.home:    ${eclipse.home}
     [echo] shell:           bash
     [echo]         Mac OS X
     [echo] os.version:      10.14.6
     [echo] os.arch:         x86_64
     [echo]       jbrazda
     [echo] user.dir:        /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service
     [echo] user.home:       /Users/jbrazda
     [echo] env.HOME:        /Users/jbrazda
     [echo] env.LANG:        en_US.UTF-8
     [echo] env.SHELL:       /bin/zsh
     [echo] env.PATH:        /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
     [echo] env.JAVA_HOME:   /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_80.jdk/Contents/Home
     [echo] ========================================
     [echo] Available Release Configurations:
     [echo] =================================
     [echo] /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/
     [echo] =================================
     [echo] Selected Release Configuration: iclab-dev.release
     [echo] Selected File: /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/
     [echo] Loading /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/
     [echo] Loading External properties (credentials) from /Users/jbrazda/iics/
     [echo] TODO: Add Inputs Validation
     [echo] Selected Target Environment: dev
     [echo] Available Target Package Configurations:
     [echo] ========================================
     [echo] /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/all_designs.package.txt
     [echo] /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/all_exclude_connections.package.txt
     [echo] ========================================
     [echo] Selected Target Package Configuration: all_designs.package
     [echo] Selected File: /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/all_designs.package.txt
    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/target/iclab-dev.release/import/dev
     [echo] Running iics package -z "/Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/target/iclab-dev.release/import/dev/" -w "/Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/src/ipd" -f "/Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/all_designs.package.txt"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] IICS CLI Version                              ďż˝[36mVersionďż˝[0m=2.0.0
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Reading artifacts from file                   ďż˝[36mFileďż˝[0m=/Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/conf/all_designs.package.txt
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Gathered artifacts                            ďż˝[36mArtifactsďż˝[0m="[Explore/Alerting.Project Explore/Tools.Project]"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Packaging artifacts                           ďż˝[36mWorkspace Directoryďż˝[0m=/Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/src/ipd
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Artifact verification complete                ďż˝[36mResultďż˝[0m=true
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Copying artifacts to temp folder
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Creating checksum fil
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Project Explore/Alerting.Project.json Explore/.Alerting.Project.json Explore/Alerting.Project }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting.Project.json=7BFFC629A0012621C1C69CA78164E64425BE2B78FC303FEEB19E66F5379A2FAF\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Alerting/Connections.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/.Connections.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/Connections.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Connections.Folder.json=F2784716473469144FB23D8924CA1B617711119189CEF67DEC4A5F774FD8C669\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{AI_CONNECTION Explore/Alerting/Connections/AWS-SQS-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION.xml Explore/Alerting/Connections/.AWS-SQS-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION.json Explore/Alerting/Connections/AWS-SQS-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Connections/AWS-SQS-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION.xml=A69D2AA73E070569E46F7162067124EADA9E1000957AF99CEFE5BF8C41713AD8\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{AI_CONNECTION Explore/Alerting/Connections/Email-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION.xml Explore/Alerting/Connections/.Email-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION.json Explore/Alerting/Connections/Email-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Connections/Email-Alerts.AI_CONNECTION.xml=EF7F629C07FA84D8264B76A108047949B548106C733C404A47E5D6BD899466DB\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{AI_CONNECTION Explore/Alerting/Connections/github-gist-alert-configuration.AI_CONNECTION.xml Explore/Alerting/Connections/.github-gist-alert-configuration.AI_CONNECTION.json Explore/Alerting/Connections/github-gist-alert-configuration.AI_CONNECTION }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Connections/github-gist-alert-configuration.AI_CONNECTION.xml=EF6ACE796F14F96BBC642F67BF7F951C208AF066B95BB1F30531D49C64EAE49B\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Alerting/Guides.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/.Guides.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/Guides.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Guides.Folder.json=437C4685A6D5F0E038BBA4A9E5834A121CA51B6F58350E87BF5ABBCEF76FE3B4\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{GUIDE Explore/Alerting/Guides/Alert Configuration Manager.GUIDE.xml Explore/Alerting/Guides/.Alert Configuration Manager.GUIDE.json Explore/Alerting/Guides/Alert Configuration Manager.GUIDE }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Guides/Alert\\ Configuration\\ Manager.GUIDE.xml=738F2CB94C551271D6778800D034EC57CFAB37F8B9C2E727EC2D3CF4F0726700\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/.ProcessObjects.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects.Folder.json=0AC3F26AFD1F29AD01F01A9E1E863E841775A7489A1E0AA5A2F8A27D885CBB11\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/FaultAlertConfiguration.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.FaultAlertConfiguration.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/FaultAlertConfiguration.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/FaultAlertConfiguration.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=BDBA43D49F3FEF597389B9188B8541EF67B64FDB442131B71D33C357A2D24B73\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-email.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.action-email.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-email.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-email.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=CC6AA1318BD4064EA992832D879C5DF3D6CBE1036DFA0F15E0330EE1F4BC3C99\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-ref.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.action-ref.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-ref.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-ref.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=3057210CAD08BD2EA097855A6E214BE824C1CC6B7B3E0FDD83C01FA5CDCBA27B\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.action.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=0481F5D60A70E15C77F308F136B2D98B58673CEDE4C66A56A17E681B4096D1E4\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/actions.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.actions.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/actions.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/actions.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=3666DE9E95998F8E13105C8D9447D1EC12D56E805052EA1402F07574BDB2300F\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/alert-config.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.alert-config.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/alert-config.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/alert-config.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=2C409F6423B125F6946D97807EF16FB3EB4F805898A9F757C32B8548177CC98D\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/condition.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.condition.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/condition.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/condition.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=D5A4F4298552F13F42D940DA2F40D370D6464A1A9A12FA16B8A4EC5B15A55480\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rule.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.rule.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rule.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rule.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=2B47776C040F3308E4A6573AE1098738711A1ECA2E2A01CDD800B79F9B61C5CC\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rules.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/.rules.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rules.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rules.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=E4EBBABEBE655FC5BEF0792E2D265DC033C9CCD1AA8AEBE6617D91C1961183E0\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Alerting/Processes.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/.Processes.Folder.json Explore/Alerting/Processes.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Processes.Folder.json=A07C5F502987589258A11853E168B04AB165659E5FC9E305703555EA005B69FB\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-Cloud.PROCESS.xml Explore/Alerting/Processes/.UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-Cloud.PROCESS.json Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-Cloud.PROCESS }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-Cloud.PROCESS.xml=CE8CB2D0329CE0CCBB04E858F2A9184C01DF61DA65F3EE55E2924DAD2AD78BB0\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA.PROCESS.xml Explore/Alerting/Processes/.UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA.PROCESS.json Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA.PROCESS }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA.PROCESS.xml=6B2271E9EC067BBBDADEFF58A5CCC92AB92FBFA583FFB2E00CBF9798C7594490\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Project Explore/Tools.Project.json Explore/.Tools.Project.json Explore/Tools.Project }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools.Project.json=467871ABEF9EC13ABF617CC1D647ED8EE95D9E4E1DE155E2C4EFBDB4EEFBBC43\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects.Folder.json Explore/Tools/.ProcessObjects.Folder.json Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects.Folder.json=94ECF23F8B13EA1F4E61E9AA7F0936C78BFD51864247B7FAFDF05D14622C1720\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS_OBJECT Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects/AttchmentInformation.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects/.AttachmentInformation.PROCESS_OBJECT.json Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects/AttchmentInformation.PROCESS_OBJECT }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects/AttchmentInformation.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml=EA0036AFEB453064ED998FB172FF3C9920B5308DB999B8518358A65B6FEE8948\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Tools/Processes.Folder.json Explore/Tools/.Processes.Folder.json Explore/Tools/Processes.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools/Processes.Folder.json=E200175169D1F8F83E3B49E0EDE49ED7A2C354EE8704D72A2D5353FA69357380\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{PROCESS Explore/Tools/Processes/SP-ConvertAttachmentToText.PROCESS.xml Explore/Tools/Processes/.SP-ConvertAttachmentToText.PROCESS.json Explore/Tools/Processes/SP-ConvertAttachmentToText.PROCESS }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools/Processes/SP-ConvertAttachmentToText.PROCESS.xml=E4619B8500BC4AA808F64BE98B23A6FCFA3E55B3D76F71DA29B2AC257854C6EF\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{Folder Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors.Folder.json Explore/Tools/.ServiceConnectors.Folder.json Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors.Folder }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors.Folder.json=28F4713ECC03D81EE83F12BF320483C7576BB5AE3200C168715FEC83F6B1AA41\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for artifact               ďż˝[36mArtifactďż˝[0m="{AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors/github-gist.AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR.xml Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors/.github-gist.AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR.json Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors/github-gist.AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR }" ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors/github-gist.AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR.xml=0AA9C879F389E2811F79D0B3B3B6C6708AAF6D55B596BFF9B50F9A4293886D67\n"
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Generated checksum for metadata file          ďż˝[36mChecksumďż˝[0m="exportMetadata.v2.json=E51CF7D22504344C652B950CB185538432B3225EB2E1D0832FECBB4EF296CFAB" ďż˝[36mFileďż˝[0m=/var/folders/hd/q4v90yb52d980_lvj56yxd5c0000gp/T/iics-cli648713486/exportMetadata.v2.json
     [exec] ďż˝[36mINFOďż˝[0m[0000] Creating zip file                             ďż˝[36mFileďż˝[0m=/Users/jbrazda/git/icai-fault-alert-service/target/iclab-dev.release/import/dev/
Total time: 10 seconds

On Command Line

You can run the same as in eclipse from command line using a following commands

Build a full package, DEV Environment Target

ant package.src \
-Diics.release=./conf/ \ \

Build a Package without Connections DEV Target

ant package.src \
-Diics.release=./conf/ \ \

Import Package to test environment

ant import \
-Diics.release=./conf/ \ \

Publish Imported Assets

ant publish \
-Diics.release=./conf/ \ \

Configure Your Org

The process Implementation requires certain system level properties to be configured

URN mappings

Fallowing URN mappings must be defined

URN EXAMPLE Required Comment
ae:base-uri Yes Base URL of Informatica Cloud Pod
urn:environment:name Cloud Server {ENV} or Secure Agent Name Yes Environment Name
urn:environment:orgid Your ORG ID Yes Org ID.
urn:ic:faultAlerts:configuration:provider gist No Configuration Storage provider (Default is gist and supported values are gist, url)
urn:ic:faultAlerts:configuration:url URL of Configuration in Gist, File or http location Yes Alert Service Configuration URL
urn:ic:faultAlerts:fallback:email [email protected] Yes Fallback Email for Alert Service

See URN Mappings

Set Alert Service

Alert Service must be configured after the Deployment/Import and configuration of this package

Go to each Application Integration Console > Server Configuration > Secure Agent and set the System Service pointing to UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-{Agent Group Name} where the {Agent Group Name} is Group name matching the process name for A corresponding Agent group where you deployed the

The Setup of Alert Service will be possible only after the UncaughtFaultAlertHandler service is published to the corresponding target environment.

Note: you should rename the Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA to match your Secure Agent group name after initial install step, because currently ICAI does not allow single process to be deployed (published) to multiple target locations, thus requiring to create process copy for Each agent group or Cloud

Alert Configuration

See Known Issues

Pre-built Distribution

If you decide to not clone this repository and re-build the package from Sources You can use provided im for first time Installation to target org manually.

IPD Import Packages

Package Description Use this Download for Initial Deployment Use this Download when Updating - (Excludes Connections)

Alert Service Components

Name Description Location Type
Email-Alerts Email Service Connection Explore/Alerting/Connections/Email-Alerts. AI_CONNECTION.xml Connection
github-gist-alert-configuration GitHub Gist Connection Explore/Alerting/Connections/github-gist-alert-configuration. AI_CONNECTION.xml Connection
gitlab-snippets-alert-configuration Gitlab Snippets Connection Explore/Alerting/Connections/gitlab-snippets-alert-configuration. AI_CONNECTION.xml Connection
github-gist GitHub Gist API Connector Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors/github-gist. AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR.xml Connector
gitlab-snippets GitLab Snippets API Connector Explore/Tools/ServiceConnectors/gitlab-snippets. AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR.xml Connector
Alert_Configuration_Manager Guide to manage Alert Service Configuration Explore/Alerting/Guides/Alert Configuration Manager. GUIDE.xml Guide
Gitlab Snippets Storage Manager Guide To manage Configurations in GitLab Explore/Alerting/Guides/Gitlab Snippets Storage Manager . GUIDE.xml Guide
Github Gist Storage Manager Guide To manage Configurations in GitHub Explore/Alerting/Guides/Github Gist Storage Manager. GUIDE.xml Guide
SP-ConvertAttachmentToText Utility Service To Load Config From File Explore/Tools/Processes/SP-ConvertAttachmentToText. PROCESS.xml Process
UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-Cloud Fault Alert handler process for Cloud Servers Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-Cloud. PROCESS.xml Process
UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA Fault Alert Handler process for NA Agents Group Explore/Alerting/Processes/UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-NA. PROCESS.xml Process

Process Objects

Following process objects describe the Structure of Fault Alert Service Configuration

Name Location
action Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
action-email Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-email.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
action-ref Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/action-ref.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
actions Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/actions.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
alert-config Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/alert-config.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
AttachmentInformation Explore/Tools/ProcessObjects/AttchmentInformation.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
condition Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/condition.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
FaultAlertConfiguration Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/FaultAlertConfiguration.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
rule Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rule.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object
rules Explore/Alerting/ProcessObjects/rules.PROCESS_OBJECT.xml Process Object

Setup Gist Connector and Connection

Once the package is imported for the firs time make sure you have enabled access token and gist account on Github

Fault Alert Handler Configuration

This package contains reference configurable implementation of ICAI Fault alert Handler. The configuration Allows to define a set of rules/conditions to be evaluated when process engine triggers fault alert for a faulting process.

Lets inspect the Configuration file example

As you can see below Configuration allows to define Set of rules where each Rule is associated with set of actions. Each rule Can have set of the conditions evaluated be either with OR or AND logical operator. Each condition can be negated using a <not>true/false</not> condition property

Supported Condition Types

Condition Type Description
equals Exact String Match
matches Condition would Contain Regular expression (needs to be escaped)
contains Contains String
starts-with Starts With a String

Supported Actions

Action Type Description
alert-email Send Alert Email to a defined set of recipients
ignore Ignore Alert
ignore Ignore Alerts
ignore Ignore Alerts
ignore Ignore Alerts

Each Rule can be linked to one or more Actions When Any rule condition Evaluation outcome contains ignore action, then the Alert will be ignored and no other actions will be taken.

Ignore Action is mutually exclusive with other actions resulting the rules evaluation.

        <Name>Default Alert Configuration</Name>
        <Description>This is a Default Example Alert Configuration</Description>
        <createdBy>[email protected]</createdBy>
        <updatedBy>[email protected]</updatedBy>
            <name>Ignore Alert</name>
                <Name>Ignore Alert</Name>
            <name>Error Email</name>
                <Name>Alert Email</Name>
            <Name>Ignore Alert</Name>
            <Description>Action to ignore Alert</Description>
            <Name>Alert Email</Name>
            <Description>Sends HTML Formatted Alert Email</Description>
                    <subject>Fault Alert - Error</subject>
                    <to>[email protected]</to>
                    <actionName>Send Alert Email</actionName>

Above configuration file is generally not intended to be edited manually it is generated by the provided Alert Configuration Manager ICAI guide.

This Guide provides a tool to manage retrieve and store the configuration on target configuration storage system ( gist) or simply exported as XML. It also allows to simulate various fault sample fault alerts and test the configuration for desired behavior

Alert configuration Management tool

This guide is located in the IICS > Application Integration > Alerting > Guides > Alert Configuration Manager

Main Page


Manage Alert Service Configuration


You can choose from following Options

  • Load from Gist - load available gists from the Account Associated with the Gist Connection)
  • Load From File - Load file from local drive
  • Edit XML - You can paste XML or use default generated file to

Select Gist to be loaded


Preview Loaded XML


Configuration Editor


Rule Editor Editor


Action Editor


Email Action Editor


Save Configuration Provides three actions

  • Save as a New Gist - Create a new Gist (typically for different environment)
  • Update Existing Gist - Allows you to update existing GIST
  • Get Configuration XML - Prints teh Config XML which (save it as a file)

Save as a New Gist


Save Completed


Gist View


Github Configuration View with Revisions


Alert Service Testing Tool - Testing Configuration

This is a part of the Alert Configuration Manager, it allows to test current Environment Configuration parameters based on URN mapping stored on the Secure Agent URNs.

  • Test against pre-defined Sample Payload
  • Test against arbitrary pasted payload


Test Message


Test Results


Test Email Sample


Extending Alert Service

This Alert Service handler is designed to be extensible, you can add custom actions or Configuration Storage providers.

Add Custom Action

To Add custom action Follow these steps

  1. If Action would require new Connector and connection, Implement such service connector for example Jira, Service Now, MS Teams Channel, Slack Channel
  2. Create Process Object to describe Action Specific Configuration parameters (See existing Process object to describe email-alert)
  3. Implement new branch in the Alert Configuration Manager to manage the new action configuration
  4. Register new action type in the Pick list selection in the action Process Object Type field
  5. Implement new branch of logic to invoke specific Action in the UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-* processes
  6. Deploy and test the changes to Alert Service

Add Custom Configuration Storage Provider

To Add custom Storage provider such as Database follow these steps to to store and retrieve the configuration using a new provider

  1. Setup or Implement service connector for example to support such storage provider (DB, AWS S3, Bitbucket)
  2. Implement New Storage Manager Guide based on existing examples for GitHub and GitLab
  3. Implement new steps in the Alert Configuration Manager to save and load configuration using the new provider
  4. Implement new branch of logic to Load configuration from new provider in the UncaughtFaultAlertHandler-* processes
  5. Deploy and test the changes to Alert Service

Known Issues

Custom Alert handler Service Works only on Secure Agents, Currently there is an issue on IICS CLoud instances where only built in alert service works as expected, you will have to use built-in Alert Service Email notification on IICS Cloud Servers

Glossary of Terms used in this Documents

Term Description
IICS Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services, Informatica Cloud Integration platform
ICAI (formerly ICRT) Informatica Cloud Application Integration, see ICRT
ICDI (formerly ICS) Informatica Cloud Data Integration is an ETL batch integration component of IICS platform
BPEL Business Process Execution Language
BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation
WSDL Web Service Definition Language
API Application Programming Interface
REST REpresentational State Transfer
IPD Informatica Process Designer
Application Integration Console ICAI Cloud and Secure Agent Runtime Administration Tool
Informatica Secure Agent Informatica Data Integration Execution Agent that Provides ability to integrate data on premise and in the Cloud, hybrid data integration both batch and real time
DAS Data Access Service