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Build with unreleased EAP S2I images

Jeff Mesnil edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 4 revisions

The Helm Charts for EAP requires the Source-to-Image (S2I) builder and runtime images to build the application image.

The charts are configured to pull these images from Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. However during development, we sometimes want to use /unreleased/ EAP S2I images to build and deploy applications.

It is possible to do so by: * Importing the unreleased images in the OpenShift image registry * Configuring the Helm release to use these imagestreams to build the application image.

Import unreleased images in the OpenShift image registry.

The builder and runtime images for EAP are always built together. They can be imported in OpenShift image registry and used with ImageStreams with the shell script import-eap-s2i-openjdk11-sh that takes 3 parameters:

  1. the unreleased EAP S2I Builder image (e.g.…​eap8-openjdk11-builder-openshift-rhel8…​)

  2. the unreleased EAP S2I RUNTIME image (e.g.…​eap8-openjdk11-runtime-openshift-rhel8…​)

  3. the OpenShift image registry (e.g. default-route-openshift-image-registry…​)

./ \

At the end of the scripts the S2I images are now available in the eap8-openjdk11-builder-openshift-rhel8 eap8-openjdk11-runtime-openshift-rhel8 imagestreams.

Configure the Helm release to use EAP S2I imagestreams to build the application image.

The unreleased EAP images have been pushed to OpenShift with the ImageStream:

  • eap8-openjdk11-builder-openshift-rhel8

  • eap8-openjdk11-runtime-openshift-rhel8

We can then configure the Helm release to use these imagestreams with the configuration

    jdk: "11"
    kind: ImageStreamTag
      builderImage: eap8-openjdk11-builder-openshift-rhel8:latest
      runtimeImage: eap8-openjdk11-runtime-openshift-rhel8:latest