A curated list of awesome things related to Flask, based on Awesome Django.
- Flask-Admin - Functional admin panel that provides a user interface for managing data based on your models
- Flask-APISpec
- SAFRS: Python OpenAPI & JSON:API Framework - SAFRS, which is an acronym for SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger, is meant to help developers create self-documenting JSON APIs for SQLAlchemy database objects and relationships
- Flask-Login - Account management and authentication
- Flask Principal - Authorization
- Flask-HTTPAuth - Authentication
- Flask-Security - Account management, authentication, authorization
- Flask-User - Account management, authentication, authorization
Curious about the differences differences between Flask-User and Flask-Security? Review the Flask-User FAQ.
- Flask-Praetorian - Authentication and authorization for Flask APIs
- Flask-JWT - Basic support for working with JWTs
- Flask-JWT-Extended - Advanced support for working with JWTs
- Flask-JWT-Router - Adds authorized routes to a Flask app
- Flask-Caching - Caching support
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - Support for SQLAlchemy, a SQL toolkit and ORM
- Flask-Peewee - Support for Peewee, an ORM and database migration tool
- Flask-Pony - Support for Pony ORM
- Flask-PyMongo - Bridges Flask and PyMongo for working with MongoDB
- Flask-MongoEngine - Bridges Flask and MongoEngine for working with MongoDB
- Flask-Alembic - Configurable Alembic migration environment around a Flask-SQLAlchemy database for handling database migrations
- Flask-Excel - uses pyexcel to read, manipulate, and write data in different Excel formats: csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm
- Flask-DebugToolbar - Port of Django's debug toolbar for Flask
- Flask-Profiler - Endpoint analyzer/profiler
- Flask-Fixtures - create database fixtures form JSON or YAML
- Mixer - Object generation tool
- Rollbar - Flask error logging with Rollbar
- Airbrake - Airbrake Flask integration
- Elastic APM Agent - Elastic APM Flask integration
- Flask Monitoring Dashboard - Dashboard for automatic monitoring of Flask web-services
- Sentry Python SDK - Sentry SDK Flask integration
- Flask-OpenTracing - OpenTracing instrumentation
- Flask-Testing - Unittest extensions
- Pytest-Flask - Pytest support for testing Flask applications
- Flask-Mail - Provides simple email sending capabilities
- Flask-WTF - Integrates Flask with WTForms
- flask-msearch - Full-text search
- Flask-WhooshAlchemy3 - Full-text search + Whoosh indexing capabilities for Flask-SQLAlchemy
- SQLAlchemy-Searchable - Provides full-text search capabilities for SQLAlchemy models
- Flask-Bcrypt - Provides bcrypt hashing utilities
- Flask-CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) handling
- Flask-SeaSurf - Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention
- Flask-Talisman - HTTPS and security headers
- Flask-Babel - Support for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n)
- Flask-File-Upload - Easy file uploads
- Flask-FlatPages - Provides flat static pages based on text files
- Frozen-Flask - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
- Flask-GraphQL - GraphQL support
- Flask-Injector - Adds support for dependency injection
- Flask-Limiter - Rate limiting features to Flask routes
- Flask-Moment - Moment.js date and time formatting helpers for Jinja2 templates
- Flask-Paginate - Pagination support
- Flask-Sitemap - Sitemap generation
- Flask-SocketIO - Socket.IO integration
- Project Website - Official Flask website
- Documentation - Comprehensive documentation for all Flask versions
- Flaskr Tutorial - Build a basic blog application called Flaskr
- Source Code - Hosted on Github
- TestDriven - Up-to-date tutorials on Flask
- Miguel Grinberg's Blog - Multiple Flask-specific tutorials
- Full Stack Python's Flask Page - Explanation of Flask philosophy and links to other resources and tutorials
- RealPython - Many high-quality tutorials on Flask
- Patrick Kennedy's Blog - Numerous tutorials on learning Python web application development with Flask
- Nick Janetakis's Blog - Flask Tips, Tricks and Tutorials
- Mailing List (
[email protected]
) - General discussion of Flask and the Pallets projects - Discord - Pallets Projects community on Discord (use the
channel for Flask support) - Twitter - For official announcements on updates, security fixes, etc.
- Stack Overflow - Questions tagged
- Reddit - Flask subreddit
- IRC Channel - Chat with other Flask users on IRC channel
on FreeNode - Flask Jobs - A job board dedicated to Flask
- PyConWeb
- Flask Conf Brazil
- PyCon US
- PyCon Australia
- Euro Python
- Complete listing of all PyCons globally
- Flask Conf Brazil - 2018
- PyCon US - 2019
- EuroPython - 2019
- PyCon Australia - 2019
- Complete listing of videos
- Flask - 40+ groups in 20 countries
- Python Web Development - 600+ groups in 81 countries
- Python - 2,400+ groups in 100 countries
- TalkPython - The leading Python podcast with several episodes on Flask
- Podcast Init - A popular Python podcast that features Flask guests on occasion
- Python Bytes - Another Python podcast that discusses Flask from time to time
- Full Stack Python's Best Python Podcasts Page - A list of active Python-specific podcasts
- The Flask Mega-Tutorial
- Intro to Flask, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and JavaScript
- Make a Web App Using Python & Flask!
- Test-Driven Development with Python, Flask, and Docker
- Authentication with Flask, React, and Docker
- Deploying a Flask and React Microservice to AWS ECS
- Build a SAAS App with Flask
- Full Stack Foundations
- Designing RESTful APIs
- PyVideo
- Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials
- Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App
- Discover Flask - Full Stack Web Development with Flask
- Heroku
- PythonAnywhere
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Google App Engine
- Microsoft Azure App Service
- Divio
- Render
- cookiecutter-flask
- Cookiecutter Flask Skeleton
- gae-init - For starting new applications on Google App Engine
- Flask-AppBuilder
- flask-base
- Flask-Bootstrap
- uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker - Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container
- React-Redux-Flask
- Flask-Scaffold
- Flask-VueJS
- ActorCloud
- Airflow
- Busy Beaver
- FlaskBB
- Indico
- PythonBuddy
- Quokka CMS
- Redash
- SkyLines
- Security Monkey
- SecureDrop
- SimpleLogin
- sr.ht (check out Why I chose Flask to build sr.ht's mini-services as well)
- Timesketch
NOTE: This project is powered by TestDriven.io. Please support this open source project by purchasing one of our Flask courses. Learn how to build, test, and deploy microservices powered by Docker, Flask, and React!