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Straightforward SSL and HTTP/2 Configuration for Javalin!
If you're not familiar with the HTTPS protocol we have a great guide at the Javalin website.
As simple as adding a dependency:
You can pass a config object when registering the plugin
... // your Javalin config here
config.plugins.register(new SslPlugin(ssl->{
... // your SSL configuration here
Javalin.create { config ->
... // your Javalin config here
... // your SSL configuration here
it.pemFromPath("/path/to/cert.pem", "/path/to/key.pem")
// Connection options
host=null; // Host to bind to, by default it will bind to all interfaces
insecure=true; // Toggle the default http (insecure) connector
secure=true; // Toggle the default https (secure) connector
http2=true; // Toggle HTTP/2 Support
http3=false; // Toggle HTTP/3 Support
securePort=443; // Port to use on the SSL (secure) connector (TCP)
insecurePort=80; // Port to use on the http (insecure) connector (TCP)
http3Port=443; // Port to use on the http3 connector (UDP)
redirect=false; // Redirect all http requests to https
disableHttp3Upgrade=false; // Disable the HTTP/3 upgrade header
sniHostCheck=true; // Enable SNI hostname verification
tlsConfig=TlsConfig.INTERMEDIATE; // Set the TLS configuration. (by default Mozilla's intermediate)
// PEM loading options (mutually exclusive)
pemFromPath("/path/to/cert.pem","/path/to/key.pem"); // load from the given paths
pemFromPath("/path/to/cert.pem","/path/to/key.pem","keyPassword"); // load from the given paths with the given key password
pemFromClasspath("certName.pem","keyName.pem"); // load from the given paths in the classpath
pemFromClasspath("certName.pem","keyName.pem","keyPassword"); // load from the given paths in the classpath with the given key password
pemFromInputStream(certInputStream,keyInputStream); // load from the given input streams
pemFromInputStream(certInputStream,keyInputStream,"keyPassword"); // load from the given input streams with the given key password
pemFromString(certString,keyString); // load from the given strings
pemFromString(certString,keyString,"keyPassword"); // load from the given strings with the given key password
// Keystore loading options (PKCS#12/JKS) (mutually exclusive)
keystoreFromPath("/path/to/keystore.jks","keystorePassword"); // load the keystore from the given path
keystoreFromClasspath("keyStoreName.p12","keystorePassword"); // load the keystore from the given path in the classpath
keystoreFromInputStream(keystoreInputStream,"keystorePassword"); // load the keystore from the given input stream
// Advanced options
configConnectors { con -> con.dump() } // Set a Consumer to configure the connectors
securityProvider = null; // Use a custom security provider
withTrustConfig { trust -> trust.pemFromString("cert") } // Set the trust configuration, explained below.
If you want to verify the client certificates (such as mTLS) you can set the trust configuration using the TrustConfig
In contrast to the identity configuration, you can load multiple certificates from different sources.
By adding a TrustConfig
to the SslPlugin
you will enable client certificate verification.
config.plugins.register(new SslPlugin(ssl->{
ssl.pemFromPath("/path/to/cert.pem","/path/to/key.pem"); // Load our identity data
// Load the client/CA certificate(s)
// Certificate loading options (PEM/DER/P7B)
certificateFromPath("path/to/certificate.pem"); // load a PEM/DER/P7B cert from the given path
certificateFromClasspath("certificateName.pem"); // load a PEM/DER/P7B cert from the given path in the classpath
certificateFromInputStream(inputStream); // load a PEM/DER/P7B cert from the given input stream
p7bCertificateFromString("p7b encoded certificate"); // load a P7B cert from the given string
pemFromString("pem encoded certificate"); // load a PEM cert from the given string
// Trust store loading options (JKS/PKCS12)
trustStoreFromPath("path/to/truststore.jks", "password"); // load a trust store from the given path
trustStoreFromClasspath("truststore.jks", "password"); // load a trust store from the given path in the classpath
trustStoreFromInputStream(inputStream, "password"); // load a trust store from the given input stream
Certificate reloading is supported, if you want to replace the certificate you can simply call SslPlugin.reload()
with the new configuration.
// Create the plugin outside the Javalin config to hold a reference to reload it
val sslPlugin = SslPlugin {
it.insecurePort = 8080; // any other config you want to change
Javalin.create {
... // your Javalin config here
// later on, when you want to replace the certificate
sslPlugin.reload {
// any options other than loading certificates/keys will be ignored.
// you can also replace trust configuration
it.withTrustConfig{ trust ->
- HTTP/2 can be used over an insecure connection.
- If Jetty responds with an
HTTP ERROR 400 Invalid SNI
, you can disable SNI verification by settingsniHostCheck = false
. - Minimizing your jar can lead to issues, more info.
Package | Version | License |
Javalin | 6.1.0 |
SSLContext Kickstart | 8.3.1 |
Contributions are welcome! Open an issue or pull request if you have a suggestion or bug report.
All development is carried out on the dev branch, main is only used for releases.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details