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Use a monadic DFT for traversing blocks/inlines
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jaspervdj committed Dec 28, 2024
1 parent a39ad91 commit 4b785ef
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Showing 2 changed files with 83 additions and 65 deletions.
19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Display.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ module Patat.Presentation.Display

import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as A
import Data.Char.WCWidth.Extended (wcstrwidth)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Sequence.Extended as Seq
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,16 +398,21 @@ prettyInlines :: DisplaySettings -> [Pandoc.Inline] -> PP.Doc
prettyInlines ds = mconcat . map (prettyInline ds)

type Reference = ([Pandoc.Inline], T.Text, T.Text)

prettyReferences :: DisplaySettings -> [Block] -> [PP.Doc]
prettyReferences ds =
map prettyReference . getReferences
map prettyReference . execWriter . traverse (dftBlock pure tellReference)
getReferences :: [Block] -> [([Pandoc.Inline], T.Text, T.Text)]
getReferences = foldMap $
foldBlock (const mempty) (maybeToList . toReferenceLink)
tellReference :: Pandoc.Inline -> Writer [Reference] Pandoc.Inline
tellReference inline = do
for_ (toReferenceLink inline) (tell . pure)
pure inline

prettyReference :: ([Pandoc.Inline], T.Text, T.Text) -> PP.Doc
prettyReference :: Reference -> PP.Doc
prettyReference (text, target, title) =
"[" <>
themed ds themeLinkText
Expand All @@ -419,7 +426,7 @@ prettyReferences ds =

toReferenceLink :: Pandoc.Inline -> Maybe ([Pandoc.Inline], T.Text, T.Text)
toReferenceLink :: Pandoc.Inline -> Maybe Reference
toReferenceLink (Pandoc.Link _attrs text (target, title))
| [Pandoc.Str target] /= text = Just (text, target, title)
toReferenceLink _ = Nothing
129 changes: 70 additions & 59 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Patat.Presentation.Syntax
( Block (..)
, foldBlock
, foldInline

, dftBlock
, dftInline

, fromPandoc
) where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable (for)
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared as Pandoc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,64 +43,72 @@ data Block
| Div !Pandoc.Attr ![Block]
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Perform a deep fold over all inlines in a block.
-- Currently only used to find reference links.
:: Monoid m
=> (Block -> m)
-> (Pandoc.Inline -> m)
-> Block -> m
foldBlock fb fi block = fb block <> case block of
Plain is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Para is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
LineBlock iss -> foldMap (foldMap (foldInline fb fi)) iss
CodeBlock _ _ -> mempty
RawBlock _ _ -> mempty
BlockQuote bs -> foldMap (foldBlock fb fi) bs
OrderedList _ bss -> foldMap (foldMap (foldBlock fb fi)) bss
BulletList bss -> foldMap (foldMap (foldBlock fb fi)) bss
DefinitionList items -> mconcat $ do
(is, bss) <- items
pure $ foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is <>
foldMap (foldMap (foldBlock fb fi)) bss
Header _ _ is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
HorizontalRule -> mempty
Table caption _ thead trows ->
foldMap (foldInline fb fi) caption <>
foldMap (foldMap (foldBlock fb fi)) thead <>
foldMap (foldMap (foldMap (foldBlock fb fi))) trows
Figure _ bs -> foldMap (foldBlock fb fi) bs
Div _ bs -> foldMap (foldBlock fb fi) bs
-- | Depth-First Traversal of blocks (and inlines).
:: Monad m
=> (Block -> m Block)
-> (Pandoc.Inline -> m Pandoc.Inline)
-> Block -> m Block
dftBlock fb fi = (>>= fb) . \case
Plain xs -> Plain <$> traverse inline xs
Para xs -> Para <$> traverse inline xs
LineBlock xss -> LineBlock <$> traverse (traverse inline) xss
b@(CodeBlock _attr _txt) -> pure b
b@(RawBlock _fmt _txt) -> pure b
BlockQuote xs -> BlockQuote <$> traverse block xs
OrderedList attr xss ->
OrderedList attr <$> traverse (traverse block) xss
BulletList xss ->BulletList <$> traverse (traverse block) xss
DefinitionList xss -> DefinitionList <$> for xss
(\(term, definition) -> (,)
<$> traverse inline term
<*> traverse (traverse block) definition)
Header lvl attr xs -> Header lvl attr <$> traverse inline xs
b@HorizontalRule -> pure b
Table cptn aligns thead trows -> Table
<$> traverse inline cptn
<*> pure aligns
<*> traverse (traverse block) thead
<*> traverse (traverse (traverse block)) trows
Figure attr xs -> Figure attr <$> traverse block xs
Div attr xs -> Div attr <$> traverse block xs
block = dftBlock fb fi
inline = dftInline fb fi

:: Monoid m
=> (Block -> m)
-> (Pandoc.Inline -> m)
-> Pandoc.Inline -> m
foldInline fb fi inline = fi inline <> case inline of
Pandoc.Str _ -> mempty
Pandoc.Emph is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Underline is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Strong is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Strikeout is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Superscript is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Subscript is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.SmallCaps is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Quoted _ is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Cite _ is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Code _ _ -> mempty
Pandoc.Space -> mempty
Pandoc.SoftBreak -> mempty
Pandoc.LineBreak -> mempty
Pandoc.Math _ _ -> mempty
Pandoc.RawInline _ _ -> mempty
Pandoc.Link _ is _ -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Image _ is _ -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
Pandoc.Note bs ->
-- TODO: this should use our block type...
-- foldMap (foldBlock fb fi) bs
Pandoc.Span _ is -> foldMap (foldInline fb fi) is
-- | Depth-First Traversal of inlines (and blocks).
:: Monad m
=> (Block -> m Block)
-> (Pandoc.Inline -> m Pandoc.Inline)
-> Pandoc.Inline -> m Pandoc.Inline
dftInline fb fi = (>>= fi) . \case
i@(Pandoc.Str _txt) -> pure i
Pandoc.Emph xs -> Pandoc.Emph <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Underline xs -> Pandoc.Underline <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Strong xs -> Pandoc.Strong <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Strikeout xs -> Pandoc.Strikeout <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Superscript xs -> Pandoc.Superscript <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Subscript xs -> Pandoc.Subscript <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.SmallCaps xs -> Pandoc.SmallCaps <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Quoted ty xs -> Pandoc.Quoted ty <$> traverse inline xs
Pandoc.Cite c xs -> Pandoc.Cite c <$> traverse inline xs
i@(Pandoc.Code _attr _txt) -> pure i
i@Pandoc.Space -> pure i
i@Pandoc.SoftBreak -> pure i
i@Pandoc.LineBreak -> pure i
i@(Pandoc.Math _ty _txt) -> pure i
i@(Pandoc.RawInline _fmt _txt) -> pure i
Pandoc.Link attr xs tgt ->
Pandoc.Link attr <$> traverse inline xs <*> pure tgt
Pandoc.Image attr xs tgt ->
Pandoc.Image attr <$> traverse inline xs <*> pure tgt
-- TODO: This is broken because we don't define our own Inline type using
-- our own Block. It's probably fine since Note is pretty much unused.
i@(Pandoc.Note _blocks) -> pure i
Pandoc.Span attr xs -> Pandoc.Span attr <$> traverse inline xs
inline = dftInline fb fi

fromPandoc :: Pandoc.Block -> Block
fromPandoc (Pandoc.Plain inlines) = Plain inlines
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