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Jazzy's NeoVim

Hi, I'm Jazzy! I ❤️ nerding out about NeoVim and customizing the editor!

Vim Screenshot

Packages I Use: How I feel about them
Vundle.vim Makes Plugin Management a Breeze!
nerdtree.git Absolutely Crucial
vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight Highlights nerdtree files and folders based on types
nerdtree-git-plugin Adds symbols when files have unstaged changes
vim-devicons Adds icons to nerdtree and airline
ncm2 So Helpful, keeps track of paths, variable names and built in functions!
auto-pairs closes brackets and quotes! what's not to love?!?
vim-commentary Comment things out quick and easy!
vim-dracula Clean & simple theme, easy on the eyes
vim-javascript JavaScript Syntax Highlighting!
vim-javascript-syntax more syntax highlighting!
vim-jsx React syntax highlighting!
javascript-libraries-syntax.vim I clearly like syntax highlighting
JavaScript-Indent Better Indentation
ale I Love ALE. lints and fixes! asynchronous! Essential package
vim-airline Makes me feel like a real developer
vim-bufferline improved buffer management for vim-airline
vim-fugitive very featureful git wrapper
vim-gitgutter helps keep track of git changes
vim-json makes json files look so so pretty
jspc.vim keep track of recurring strings!
vim-surround Again, I love not having to type both brackets myself
vim-indent-guides adds solid bars to indentations for better visibility
vim-markdown-composer auto-live-renders mardown to html in browser!!!

My Key Mappings

Keys What they do
spacebar Mapped to leader
leader+ag search with ag
leader+H Previous Buffer
leader+L Next Buffer
leader+<1-9> Switch to buffer #
leader+Enter line break
leader+; add semicolon to EOL
leader+, add comma to EOL
leader+} add closing curly bracket after cursor
leader+] add closing square bracket after cursor
leader+) add closing parren after cursor
leader+" add double quote after cursor
leader+' add single quote after cursor
leader+rc surround visual selection in a react comment (i.e. {/* your comment here */})
leader+/ surround visual selection in an inline js comment /* */
Ctrl+H Switch to left tile
Ctrl+L Switch to right tile
Ctrl+J Switch to bottom tile
Ctrl+K Switch to top tile
<F1> Toggle nerd tree
<F2> Clear search highlighting
Ctrl+F :AleFix i.e. use Prettier
Ctrl+P Fuzzy Search
Shift+H Beginning of line
Shift+L End of line
Shift+J Down 4 lines
Shift+K Up 4 lines
jk exit insert mode
Ctrl+U capitalize word


  1. clone to user home
  2. cd into this repo
  3. run ./ or ./ depending on which editor you use
  4. enjoy!


My .Vim files for NeoVim/Vim






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