This is a solution to the Age calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View an age in years, months, and days after submitting a valid date through the form
- Receive validation errors if:
- Any field is empty when the form is submitted
- The day number is not between 1-31
- The month number is not between 1-12
- The year is in the future
- The date is invalid e.g. 31/04/1991 (there are 30 days in April)
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- Bonus: See the age numbers animate to their final number when the form is submitted
- Solution URL: Age Calculator GitHub
- Live Site URL: Age Calculator Live Site
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- Mobile-first workflow
- Webpack
- HTML-Webpack-Plugin
There were several concepts that I wanted to practice in this project. Cheif among them was the Contraints Validaiton API in javascript. I wrote all the validation functions in validation.js
. I think that I now have a good understanding of the basics of this web API. I am most proud of this function that I wrote to check the validity of the most recently focused field. This function is called anytime a form input loses focus so that if the user enters data, if there is any invalid data the user can receive appropriate feedback.
const validateField = (field) => {
const validity = field.validity;
// valueMissing
if (validity.valueMissing) {
return false;
// rangeUnderflow and rangeOverflow
if (validity.rangeUnderflow || validity.rangeOverflow) {
if ( === "day") {
field.setCustomValidity("Must be a valid day");
if ( === "month") {
field.setCustomValidity("Must be a valid month");
return false;
// badInput
if (validity.badInput) {
field.setCustomValidity("Must be a number");
return false;
// patternMismatch
if (validity.patternMismatch) {
field.setCustomValidity("Must be a valid year after 1900");
return false;
// future date
if ( === "year" && field.value > date.getFullYear()) {
field.setCustomValidity("Cannot be future year");
return false;
// no error
return true;
I also am happy with the overall organization of my project. Overtime, I have learned a few different ways to organize my projects' code. I am a big fan of the module pattern using factory functions and IIFEs. For this project, I used that pattern to seperate the code that controls form validation, DOM interaction, and core app logic into three seperate modules. I then imported each of these modules into main.js
where I could use them to controll different parts of the app depending on user actions. Along simialar lines, I also used webpack for this project to bundle all my source code into a distribution packedge. The final tree in my /src
end up like this:
── src
├── js
│ ├── calc.js
│ ├── validation.js
│ └── view.js
├── main.js
├── styles
│ ├── desktop.css
│ ├── main.css
│ └── reset.css
└── template.html
One smaller this that I learned and think will be very useful is this "previous sibling selector" pattern in CSS. I was having trouble selecting the previousl sibling of an element with a spefic class to add the error styling when needed. After some Googling I learned that the :has()
function combined with the sibling selector to select an element that has the specified following sibling. The specific rule I wrote is below:
label:has(+ input.invalid) {
color: var(--color-light-red);
I completed this project with the help of several online resouces
- MDN Constraint Validation API Guide - This guide helped me better understant the numberous types of validity states, which HTML elements can have which errors, and how to access these validity properties.
- CSS Tricks Form Validation Tutorial - This tutorial was instrumental in helping me structure the pattern of my own form validation functions.
- Chat GPT - I often turned to Chat GPT to ask more detailed questions that I was unable to solve with a Google search. I found most often the using Chat GPT helped me 'talk' through my questions and clear up my understandings.
- Website - James Spears, V
- Frontend Mentor - @jamesspearsv